Chapter 13 - Drowning in Debt

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3rd Person's POV

Narrator: Here we see a fox in its natural habitat. 

Ahri with her ears and tails showing quickly looking around the penthouse. She's sniffing around trying to find something or in this case, someone. 

Narrator: Today, this fox is quite hungry. In search for her prey, she's trying to find the scent of her next victim. 

Ahri's ears perked up as she found the scent of her new victim, she rushed to the living room and found Y/N watching the news. However, something is different about Y/N this time. He has more appendages, to be specific, his rabbit ears protruding from his head. Ahri's eyes are slit succumb by her predatorial instinct as she licked her lips hungrily. Unfortunately for Y/N's he's unaware of the predator looming in closer quietly. 

Narrator: Here we see the predator, stalking her prey, ready to pounce once the time is right. This poor little rabbit don't know what's coming. 

Y/N's bunny ears twitched as he noticed some noise coming from behind. He looked behind only to see Ahri hunched with her hands appeared to be ready to grab a hold of something. 

Y/N: Oh. Good morning, Ahri. Want to watch the news with me?

Ahri made no verbal response as she continued to stalk her prey. However, this only made Y/N appear worried.

Y/N: You alright, Ahri?


Y/N: Ahri?

Narrator: And now the Fox is ready to attack and devour it's meal.

Ahri burst into a pounce as she tackled Y/N down on the couch as she shreds Y/N's clothes. Y/N desperately tried to get away as he turned around to crawl away revealing a puffy bunny tail. 

Y/N: Ahri! What's got in to you?

Ahri still not responding as she continues to try pinning down. Y/N trying his best on pushing her away but with the size difference, Ahri has the advantage.

Y/N: Ahri! This conduct is unseemly, control yourself!

Narrator: As we can see here. The bunny is now struggling to get away from the fox. Unfortunately, it's too late for the poor bunny. 

Y/N: Ahri! 

Narrator: And now, the fox is going for the kill.

Ahri then took a bite at Y/N's neck hard enough to draw some trickle of blood. Y/N can only grunt in pain as he can't get away from Ahri. Unbeknowns to Y/N, a mark appeared on his neck, a black swirling tails. 

Y/N: What did you do that for? Ahri. What's got in-

Y/N wasn't able to finish his sentence as Ahri greedily explored his mouth with her tongue. Y/N could only blush heavily under Ahri's assault. Few seconds later, Ahri broke the kiss leaving Y/N blushing and panting a bit.

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