Killing spree

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(I'm going to make things clear for Hajime x Yue mfs. Hajime WILL meet Yue but not in the labyrinth. I'll just make Hajime more traumatized than he already is.) 

The massive monster bear was, you guessed it, preying on others. He was eating and killing other beings inside the labyrinth becoming the apex predator on where even Hajime's classmates won't stand a second against it. That all ends here now. 

A man cloaked in shadows come with a very very menacing smirk. "We have been trying to reach you about your life's extended warranty." Hajime smiled as he revealed himself from the shadows. The bear was alarmed by this, as having no intelligence at all he just blindly charged at him. 

Hajime jumped up using his strength to maneuver out of the bear's claw swipes. He then started to shoot midair, but because he had no footing his aim was going everywhere. The three shots missed "Tch!"


A bullet came out, but it wasn't just a normal bullet it was a railgun bullet. The sheer force of the bullet managed to even injure the bear despite it not being a direct hit. 

The bear charged once again and swiped furiously all hitting nothing but air. Hajime held his gun and pointed it at the bear. But he had no time as the bear made swipes. He was forced to jump away. He was using quickstep and aerodynamics at a rapid motion, but the bear just won't himself open. 

Hajime then got an idea, he placed his hand on a massive rock and them imagined a greatsword. A black greatsword that was tough enough to parry a blow. 


Hajime held the great sword and made a gigantic swing of the sword that parried the monster's blow, with his extreme strength Hajime managed to hold the greatsword tightly and even use it one handed if he prefers to. Actually forger what he said he has only one arm dammit!

Hajime quickly pulled out his gun and shot him straight in his head, and for finishing him Hajime used only one hand to slam the greatsword on his head, cutting it from the body. Hajime wiped the blood from his forehead. 

Hajime pulled out his status plate, and immediately he saw a new skill.

Nagumo Hajime. 


Str: 2098

Agi: 1658

Def: 1908

Mana: 1354

Skills: Mortal Strike, Iron stomach, Mana manipulation, etc... 

Mortal Strike: Attacks from a melee weapon will cause extreme "Rupture"

As Hajime has observed, "Rupture" is a effect that can make a simple slash into a massive problem. Call it a simple curse as it makes the victim bleed extremely from said slash. So applying the "Rupture" effect on the blade isn't even needed anymore. 

"Well..." Hajime has no words to day, he also got a new skill which was a gale slash. He held the great sword and attacked it into his back. "Still though, as good as the sword may be it can be better." 

Hajime started to walk towards an unknown direction. 


He was touching the walls to navigate himself, as it was too dark to see anything at all. "Tch, I know starting a light in the dark is dangerous but..." He opened the lantern that he has on his hands, but he saw something shining immediately and he took out his gun to shoot on where it came from. 

But the shot hit nothing, "Tch." Hajime then pointed the lantern at where he shot and he saw a gigantic lizard. As the lizard opens it eyes, a glowing light appeared and the lantern he hold was turned in to stone breaking down. Hajime realized the situation and quickly took cover and splashed his hand with holy water to prevent the petrification from spreading. 

"Got me good, you did!" The lizard crawled up the rock on where Hajime was hiding on, he then looked down, but instead of seeing a petrified Hajime he saw a greatsword going for his head. Blood was shed as Hajime was still sitting there with his hands on the greatsword. 

Hajime was right now just trying to survive this hell, and was trying to get home. His grip tighten on the sword that he is wielding. But... He never truly wondered or realized... The monster that he's becoming every single time he was showered with blood. 

Perhaps, him becoming a monster was for the best. After all, only a monster can beat a monster. And all he can do is dance underneath the shower of blood. 

*Insert epic montage of Hajime killing* 

Hajime was laying down on his greatsword. "Truth be told, I don't even know what floor I am in anymore. They said this labyrinth has a total of 100 floors. But I've already gone 50 to this point." Hajime smirked and started looking at a massive door. "Maybe that door has some answers." Hajime started walking to where that door was. 

But although Hajime knew a lot of things from books, this puzzle... certainly wasn't in a book. He clicked his tongue as he suddenly left the door alone. "Who knows maybe it's a dark souls boss lying there." Hajime walked away from the door and started to continue his journey of going down the labyrinth. 

He was all alone, in the depths of hell, simply killing monsters, killing those that get in his way. But even so there was a certain beauty to it. Silence was all that he hears, but silence was better to hear than the rowdy streets of a city. 

As he was sitting on a rock that he transmuted he suddenly heard a growl. He pulled out his gun immediately and shot where he heard the growl came from. He suddenly saw a raptor dead from his shot, but the most weird thing was the flower above their head. 

Hajime held his great sword and Donner. And he started to kill. All in all the raptors met their fate underneath the blade and the gun of Hajime, but the most weird thing was, they wouldn't end. Normally monsters aren't clumped up in a place like this, unless the monsters were in large numbers. 

He swung his sword killing 8 of the raptors and immediately shot a railgun bullet killing 15 of them. "Damn it, they just won't end!" 

And as he was blitzing them he suddenly saw a cave covered with moss and branches. Hajime jumped to the cave for cover but suddenly the raptors became more aggressive as they started to chase him. "Oh-hoh? Your dear queen is here?" Hajime mocked before shooting three bullets that killed those that were near him. 

Hajime then entered the cave, but the raptor's body didn't let them enter the cave and so they were stuck at the front. Hajime blocked the entrance with stones, as he continued on walking deeper on the cave. 

He was on guard, he has his hand on his great sword and his gun pointed at where he looks at. That was until he suddenly saw some green little balls. Hajime was on guard as he tried to swipe the balls off with his sword. But it was useless as they explode in to green smoke. "Ugh!" He coughed. 

"Damn!" Hajime said as he looked around saw a plant monster, a woman with her half bottom as some type of vines, her head was covered in some type of mushroom. "Oi mushroom head!" The monster was still smiling viciously though. 

"Oh right, monsters can't understand me." Hajime reminded himself that before he slammed his feet on the ground, creating a shockwave that made the green balls float on another direction. Hajime dashed to the monster. 

The monster summoned green balls and before it made contact with him, Hajime jumped back and made multiple gale slashes, but was evaded by the woman weaving. "Oh... And here I thought you were a big shot." Hajime pulled out his gun and fired straight at the monster's head executing her. 

Hajime then grabbed the woman's body before getting out of the cave. As he exited he was greeted by a sight, multiple raptors looking at him as if he was food. "It's morbin' time!" 

Hajime dashed at the Raptor slaughtering them. 


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