Chapter 68 Baby Shower

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It seemed like the engagement was celebrated for weeks. Rei and Fuyumi were so unbelievably happy when they found out and Twice was over the goddamn moon.

When the magic wore off, the girls got busy planning Izanami's baby shower. She was about 25 weeks when the party finally rolled around. Toga, Fuyumi, Miki and Aina planned the whole thing with Rei and Mina's help. Everyone was invited: Toga and Shoto's friends, Recovery Girl and Midnight, Izanami's friends from the hospital, Tsukihiro, Nishinoya, even Twice's friend Lee and his sisters.

Toga didn't let Izanami do anything all morning and when Fuyumi and Rei came to help set up they didn't let Izanami lift a finger either. After the tables and decorations were put out, all that was left to do was set up the dessert table and organize the games which Aina and Miki said they'd take care of.

"You guys did such a good job!" Aina exclaimed as she walked into the backyard with a tray full of cupcakes and a wrist full of presents.

"Thank you!" Fuyumi beamed.

"And we're all right on schedule, nice planning Himiko" Miki said cheerfully as she held a box of cookies and packs of diapers under her arms.

"Thanks" Toga smiled. "We're gunna go get Izanami ready, we shouldn't take long" she said, gesturing towards the back door.

"Yeah go ahead, we got it" Aina waved off as she and Miki took another trip to the cab to bring in more desserts.

When Aina and Miki finished setting up the dessert table, Aina helped Miki with the baby shower games. Everything looked perfect by the time the first guests arrived.

"We're having a diaper raffle over here and presents go over there" Miki explained to Gogo as she and her family entered the backyard.

"I told you we should all buy diapers" Biju smirked triumphantly as she placed two packs of diapers down on the table and signed her name and then her sister's name on slips of paper before dropping them in a jar. "Way better odds this way" she said, passing her pen to Lee.

"We all bought a pack of diapers because babies shit so much" Lee snorted as he put the diapers down and put his name in the jar.

"And they're having twins so.." Gogo laughed as she used her quirk to place the presents on the gift table. "Let's go find somewhere to sit" she said.

"Hey anybody know where Twice is?" Lee asked as he got comfortable in his chair.

"Yeah and Izanami and Toga?" Biju asked.

"Umm the girls are inside and I'm not sure I know who 'Twice' is" Aina said as she turned around to face them.

"Oh how do you know Izanami?" Gogo asked curiously.

"We used to work with her" Miki said. "I take it Twice is one of Dabi's friends?"

"Yeah he's how we know everyone" Gogo nodded.

"They should be about done, I'll go tell Izanami her guests are starting to arrive. Help yourselves to some drinks over in the ice chest" Miki said before she slipped inside.

Miki walked down the hall to Izanami's room and found Toga finishing up her hair. "Oh sweetheart you look gorgeous" she smiled.

"Himi-Chan did a real good job curling my hair" Izanami chuckled before she stole a hug from the teen.

"And this dress? Ugh! It makes your baby bump look so cute" Miki said with a scrunched up face and tightly held fists.

Everyone laughed and followed Miki as she told them people were starting come in. Toga let Chizue out first and she ran straight for Biju.

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