Chapter 67 Firework Festival

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"Hey" Izanami said softly as she placed a flower she just plucked from the walkway at the front of Mrs. Hagiwara's grave. "Sorry I haven't came by in a while" she smiled sheepishly at the granite headstone.

"I just had my 20 week appointment, twins, a boy and a girl" she said with a hand on her protruding baby bump. She felt bad for not finding time to tell her she was pregnant sooner but after finding out about the genders today, Izanami couldn't bear to keep her waiting any longer.

She took a look over her shoulder at Dabi, who was waiting by the Camero a few yards away to give them privacy. "You remember Dabi?" She asked, turning back to Mrs. Hagiwara with a warm blush. "We're really happy. I'm the happiest I've ever been in my whole life"

Izanami wanted to thank her for the hundred-millionth time but she knows Mrs. Hagiwara already knew how grateful she was.

"I wish you could've seen me like this" she said tearfully, casting her head down with a tiny hint of shame. "Seen me happy, seen me be a better me"

"I-I know I'm going to be okay, I know that, I do... but I still get scared sometimes" she admitted. "I just want to be good"

"Then I think about how much you cared about me and how much Dabi and the others care about me and I'm a little less scared. And I wanted you to know I'm going to try my best to be what you were to me, to them" Izanami said as she rubbed and cradled the babies in her belly.

"You about ready to go home baby? You still gotta rest if you wanna have enough energy to go to the festival tonight" Dabi asked softly as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

"Yeah, I'm ready. We had a nice talk" Izanami giggled. She wished she could hear Mrs. Hagiwara reply but she treasured their talks nonetheless.

"Let's get you out of this heat huh?" He said as he kissed her hair to gage how hot she got from standing in the summer sun.

"Yeah" Izanami nodded. She glanced at Mrs. Hagiwara and smiled a goodbye before she walked towards the car.

Dabi lingered and waited until Izanami was out of earshot. "I'm going to ask her to marry me night, wish me luck" he whispered to Mrs. Hagiwara when it was just the two of them, then he hurried to get Izanami's car door.


"The flyer says the gates open at 5, that's the time we're all going. The sun goes down at 8 but the fireworks aren't going off until 9:30 so I wanna make sure they get to do all the fun and cute things to do at a festival before then and she's gunna need to eat so I set aside some time for that too" Toga told Shigaraki in greater detail than the first time she went through it.

"I just don't get why your school is having a firework festival if you guys are still out for the summer" Shigaraki sighed as he texted back and forth with Natsuo to get their plans locked in.

"It's open to the public, the school just likes hosting things" Toga rolled her eyes and shared a look with Chizue. "Besides it couldn't come at a better time, Dabi is so siked about the fireworks"

"I'm just glad he's finally gunna do it tonight" Shigaraki shook his head exasperatedly. "All of the sudden he's shit at keeping secrets now. I swear he was going to propose to her in the middle of the hallway"

"Be on the look out, he's definitely gunna be needing help tonight" Toga said as Chizue jumped up on her front paws excitedly.

"I guess I'll go get ready, you good to ride with Dabi and Izanami?" He asked as he got up from the kitchen table.

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