Chapter 67 Firework Festival

Start from the beginning

"Yup! I'm not gunna crash your first date" Toga smirked.

"It's not a date" he mumbled lowly.

"Tomura be so serious, you asked that boy out on a date" Toga said sternly.

"Alright it's a date, just shut up!" Shigaraki glared before he headed to his room.

After trying not to spend too much time on picking an outfit, Shigaraki brought everything to the bathroom and had a shower.

He doesn't know how he let this happen. One minute he's listening to Dabi talk about his proposal and the next thing he knows, he's asking Natsuo to go out 'as like, a date or something... whatever' And he couldn't take it back either; Natsuo looked too excited.

So Shigaraki was going to make sure they had a nice time before he finally laid this dating shit to rest.

"We'll see you there yeah?" Izanami asked as Shigaraki got ready to go leave.

"Yeah that's why I'm leaving before you guys, I still gotta go pick up Todoroki" Shigaraki said, grabbing the Camero keys.

"Why do you always get to drive the bitchin' car huh?" Dabi frowned when he saw the Honda keys waiting for him on the hook. He didn't mind driving it but the Camero was so fucken cool.

"The girls like their car" Shigaraki shrugged with a small smirk, making Dabi grunted in response.

"You have money?" Izanami asked from behind the refrigerator.

"Yeah, I'll text you when we're there" Shigaraki waved before he walked out the front door.

The drive to Natsuo's house seemed to happen in a blink. Shigaraki's breath hitched as he made himself put the car in park and pull out his phone.

Shig: im here

Med School: ok! 2 seconds!

He put his phone in the cupholder and clenched his fists to feel the fibers of his gloves in his fingers.

Just have fun, he reminded himself.

"Hey Shig!" Natsuo smiled as he hopped in and buckled his seatbelt.

"Hey Todoroki" Shigaraki made sure to take a moment to stop and stare at Natsuo before he pulled the car away from the curb. He wanted to memorize every detail of tonight so he could run through it as many times as he wanted.

"I'm honestly so excited like, it's not even cool how excited I am" Natsuo laughed at himself as he looked out the window. He was so incredibly happy his date was about to begin.

"Yeah I'm excited too, this is my first time going to something like this" Shigaraki admitted truthfully. He decided a long time ago Natsuo would be one of the few people he'd never lie to. "I don't even think I've seen fireworks, unless you count fiery explosions in the midst of total destruction" he attempted to joke awkwardly.

"Let's not count those, so this can be your first time" Natsuo chuckled. "The foods good but you'll love the festival games"

"Games huh? They have, like, prizes or something?" Shigaraki asked as he looked over at him for a second.

"Yeah, you'll have to win me something" Natsuo smiled.

Shigaraki laughed. "Will do Todoroki" he nodded while he smirked.

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