Chapter 1

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MAY 2021:

Leah Williamson was lying on the couch in the Arsenal lounge room as she cuddled Jordan who lay with her head on Leah's shoulder. DING! She heard a notification on her screen. Rubbing her eyes, Jordan lifted her head off Leah's shoulders as she checked her phone. "What is it, babe?" Jordan asks still sleepy from her nap. Opening up her emails, she finds a message from Emma Hayes:

Dear Leah Williamson,

I have decided to coach alongside Pep Guardiola, Jose Mourinho and Sarina Wiegman for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We have been given a chance to coach a specialised football camp for the most skilful and talented women footballers around the world. We will be coaching along with  Jose and Pep who wish to learn more about the world of women's football and aid us in spreading women's football across the globe. I believe that this is a chance for not only me but also for you to learn from, play with and form connections with some of the best women footballers. The camp will run like an All-Stars program which will be explained further in person. During this camp, we will visit different communities and immerse players in different cultures and places to widen society's and players' views on women's sports. This camp will go on for 2 months from May until late June and will be located in a variety of different countries but the first stop will be Brazil. All expenses are paid for and you will be paid a bonus for your time. You and 23 other players have been chosen to participate in this camp however you may decline the invite if you wish. I have contacted both your club and national teams. Please respond to this email ASAP if you wish to participate. Details will be given shortly after you respond.

Warm Regards,

Emma Hayes

Jordan, who was reading the email over Leah's shoulder, answered first "You should do it, babe."

"But what about you?" Leah pondered her decision.

A notification pinged on Jordan's phone. Her smile enlarged as her eye read the. "Don't worry, I'm going too." She typed her reply quickly to Emma and sent it off as if her spot would disappear if she didn't.

Leah was beaming now as she embraced Jordan in a hug. "I love you," she whispered into Jordan's ear.

"Love you too," Jordan asked. Leah continued to cuddle Jordan as the other Arsenal ladies arrived.

"Has anyone received an email?" Leah asked as everyone dwindled around the lounge room.

Immediately everyone checked their phones until Caitlin nodded "From Emma Hayes, right?"

After Caitlin read the email, she quickly turned to Lia. "Did you get the email?" Her blue eyes were full of apprehension like a little puppy nervously waiting for food while she waited for her girlfriend to check her emails. If Caitlin were to go, they would be apart for more than 6 months since Caitlin would have to go to the Olympics and before that, Matilda's Camp. Lia nodded, smiling as Caitlin's blue eyes lit up with excitement. Smiling, Caitlin hugged Lia tightly before the Swiss princess responded with a small peck on her lips.

"Eww, we don't want to see PDA, Walti," Beth shouted.

Leah responded defensively protecting her best friend, "Hey! It's not like we didn't see you and Daan like that before."

Jordan shouted, breaking up the playful banter, "If Viv didn't get an email, I'd be concerned."

Viv smiled in response, "I got one," before she quickly headed into the changing rooms to change into her Arsenal training kit after arriving late as always. After changing she sent a quick text to Lisa, asking if she had received an email. Immediately, Lisa replied with a frowning face, Viv was disheartened but excited and she knew the Scot was going to force her to go anyway.

The others who didn't receive an email sent their congratulations and good jobs after the five mainly Jordan and Leah explained what the prestigious email was about.


On the other side of London, Sam parked in front of Cobham Training Centre clutching her phone out in front of her on Facetime with Kristie. As she was listening to Kristie, a notification popped up on the top of her screen. Intrigued she tapped it opening up an email from Emma Hayes. "I just got an email from Emma."

Kristie gasped. "Why'd she email you? Aren't you about to go see her in like 5 minutes? "

"I don't know" Sam replied as she read out her email to Kristie.

"You need to go, Sam. It literally says the opportunity of a lifetime. I won't have you missing out because of me." Kristie tried to persuade the striker who had a face of scepticism.

"But I was supposed to go to the States in a month and now we can't see each other until July, Kristie, JULY!"

Kristie laughed at Sam's dramatics. "That's okay. We'll Facetime every day."

Sam was about to reply to Kristie when she noticed that her girlfriend was distracted on the other side. She looked as if she was reading something before a broad smile appeared on her lips.

"I have a surprise," Kristie said.


"I'm going to Brazil, babe, "

"Nah, you're shitting with me."

"I swear, I'm not."

Sam's face beamed with a smile, elated that Kristie was selected.

"Well if you're going then there's no way I'm not going. A chance to see you, no fucking way I'm gonna miss out on that." Kristie watched as Sam's eyes lit up at the excitement of her going before her eyes turned sad.

Sam spoke over the call. "I wish I could kiss you right now."

"Same but we'll see each other soon."

"I'm sure we will be, goodbye Kristie, the girls are arriving now." Sam kissed the screen of her phone, making Kristie laugh but underneath all her goofiness, Sam desperately missed her girlfriend if that was even what they were calling it. They had only met a few times in England before Kristie had to return to the US. They haven't placed a label on anything yet and certainly haven't told anybody that they were even talking to each other.

After hanging up, Sam walked into the locker room, hooked up her things and changed into her Chelsea gear. She scrolled on her phone watching memes while she waited for the others in the lounge room.

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