Chapter 21

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Lia Wälti stared out the plane's circular window as Tokyo glistened like a million diamonds upon its dark canvas. She felt Caitlin's soft hands squeeze hers, reassuring the midfielder of any worries that clouded her mind. With Caitlin next to her, the Swiss felt like she could conquer the whole entire world. She was the warmth and comfort she had desperately ached for years and years that in the end was a person. A girl that she loved with her whole entire being. With their hands still interlocked, the older brunette leant her head on the forward's shoulders as her eyes continued to marvel at the sight in front of her.

The pair peered across the city's dazzling lights. Lia peered up at the taller brunette's azure eyes scanning across the large glass panels that circled the entire suspended platform. They were 300 metres above the ground in Tokyo Tower on their second last night in Japan. A blue light that was so bright it competed with Caitlin's eyes radiated around the platform. God, she loved Caitlin's eyes, they were blue like the Ocean. Like the mountains. Like the sky. Like home. The second she saw those familiar eyes, she knew she was home. With her person. The Swiss midfielder wrapped her arms around the Australian's neck.


"Yes, my love?"

"I love you."

Her entire face softened. "I love you too." Her lips gently brushed over Lia's before she caressed her hand up and down the midfielder's back.

"I'm going to get my airpods, Jords." For the first time in a long time, Leah stood up to reach in the overhead compartment for her bag. She was rummaging through her backpack while her eyes scanned the plane. Viv reading a book and Jill listening to music on her airpods. Millie and Rachel laughing over another TikTok. It wasn't until her eyes laid upon her best friend and Caitlin sleeping, the former cushioning her head on the latter's shoulder that her heart swelled.

"Jordan, look at them."

"Huh? Who?" The midfielder scrambled out of seat expecting a laugh but was faced with a sweeter sight.

"Caitlin and Lia."

"They're each other's forever, Lee."

Sam's smile beamed through the screen installed behind the seat in front of her. Her fingers flashed across the screen typing a message to Seat 16A as she flashed a cheeky grin.

22F: Will you go on a date with me?

16A: hmmm. that depends

22F: on what

16A: where do you plan on taking me

22F: its a surprise but ill give you a hint

16A: do tell

22F: its in barcelona

16A: wow what a revealing hint

Sam chuckled out loud at Kristie's response earning her funny looks from her teammates. Heat crackled through her veins. Even far apart, she could feel Kristie's presence and warmth with her. They had met through mutuals on Instagram and it just exploded from there. One text led to another and here Sam was blubbering like an idiot and asking her on dates in a fricking airplane. Nerves bubbled in her stomach. Was this relationship even going to go somewhere?

Kristie loved her friends. Probably more than she loved her perfectly groomed eyebrows which she had spent months brushing upwards and using brow tints. And maybe even more than she loved screaming to Mary J. Blige with the car windows down. But just because she loved them didn't stop her from finding them excruciatingly annoying at times. With her sister's loud chewing increasing in volume and Kelley's karaoke singing behind her, they were justifying her point. Plugging her airpods in to drown out the noise, Krstie's heart pulsed as she typed in another response to seat 22F.

Mapi had the dreadful pleasure of sitting directly across the aisle from her new archenemesis, Ingrid Syrstad Engen. Yes, she searched for her full name. One of the great perks of being a football - you are constantly in the public eye. The downsides - so were your relationships, family, friends. The media had ruined so many relationships that sometimes she envied those who lived normal lives. Her bronze eyes scanned across the same line in her book too many times, she was distracted by the person adjacent to her. She was too afraid to look up, scared she would be caught staring but her curiosity got the better of her. The thudding of her heart quickened as she raised her line of sight gradually. And there she was, looking as perfect as ever like a goddess who dropped down from heaven in her all-grey jumper and track pants.

She laughed, turning her head to Jill, drawing Mapi to her like ants to honey. The Spanish's brown orbs drop down to her lips as she deluges in her wide grin. Her head snaps back and their eyes affix on each other, forcing Mapi's heart to roar a thunderous beat. What was going on in her mind? Whatever happened to her seemed to have shocked all her brain cells dead because there was nothing that explained whatever that was.

Jill must have said something else because the second she glanced back, Ingrid was deep in conversation again with her. Mapi fiddled with her bookmark as her eyes fixated on the hand that the Norweigian had placed on Jill's thigh. It was so obvious that it was almost pathetic how Jill didn't realise.

Viv was stuck sandwiched between the plane's cold steel shell and Jill Roord who was engrossed in a conversation with her Wolfsburg teammate on the sights of Spain. Her phone pinged suddenly, immediately drawing her attention away from the argument that was about to spark. It was just a notification to her on updating her phone. Not Lisa. Defeat drowned her whole and she felt like throwing her hands up in frustration. Her mind stared through the string of messages to Lisa she had left in the wake of her frustration. All texts had decided to fail to send and tears threatened to cascade down her cheeks.

Her suitcase lay empty on the hard wooden floorboards in the home she lived in with Lisa, her girlfriend.

"Are you excited?" Lisa was always cheerful, it was one of the many reasons why Viv loved her so much.

But her smile faded as she watched Viv's expression grow dark. "Hey, Viv, what's wrong? You know we'll Facetime or message every day."

It was so stupid, she was a footballer, and she travelled for her job.

"Yeah, I know. It's just that I'll miss you." She tried to bite back her smile at the Scottish girl who never failed to cheer her up, no matter the situation. 

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