Chapter 4

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The rest of the visits weren't really as eventful. Mystique was really silent, Cypress was fuming, Moonflower was also fuming, but to a greater extent, Isonade was acting like a tree and the other SeaWings were trying to cheer him up and Frostelle was surrounded by her fellow IceWings, acting as regal as possible, likely to keep the IceWing students' morale up. Halo paced around her room, but this time, RedWings soared in to say hello. The friendliness of them combated with the dread Halo felt from Stardreamer's question. "If you could only escape with one tribe, who would you take?" Halo FELT like that was important... but it really made her nervous. Iris had also given her a letter the day before, inviting Halo to the Colorful Resistance, where Iris was prominent in. Halo had made her choice. She looked outside her door and gave a note to Iris, who was on duty. Halo looked at her claws fearlessly. She would get the dragons of Jade Mountain out, even if she died trying. She had only scribbled one word onto the note Iris had received. Yes.

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