Chapter 3

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"What!?" Suna paced back and forth. "Okay, okay. You're a firescales. An enchanted one. But it still doesn't make sense that Frostelle wasn't taken up first... actually, I'm revising my past statement. It does." Halo looked at Suna confused. "Why does it make sense?" Suna growled. "Frostelle COULD do it, but it's risky. They don't want her going evil or enchanting them. After the Jade Mountain attack, they're not risking anything with her." Halo nodded. "Yeah, that makes sense. I-I'll try to get you into daylight eventually. Everyone from Jade Mountain." Another SandWing, who appeared to be Parodia from the Opal Winglet hissed. "In a battle, your actions define your will. You can promise your commander to try, but you may die the next day. You don't TRY anything. It's all about quick thinking, kid. My commander told me that, and they were a real wise SandWing." Halo nodded. "Alright, thanks. I should probably greet the rest of the Winglet." Suna nodded. "Yeah, I bet everyone's worried about you. Dewdrop's the nearest. The HiveWing are four doors down on the left." Halo grinned. "Thanks Suna!" Suna nodded. "No problem!" As she walked away Halo thought she heard a quieter echo of what Suna had just said. "...No problem at all."

Dewdrop had his talons shackled to the ground. Halo knew that was deliberate. The ColorWings probably didn't want to risk him stabbing anyone. The other HiveWings were grouped around him. A pure black HiveWing with red spots, who was probably Velvet from the Amethyst Winglet, let out a deep breath. "Halo! Thank goodness. I thought that it was one of those obnoxious hybrids who call themselves a tribe coming to poke at us again! Bleh!" The other HiveWings murmured in assent. Dewdrop hissed. "Well. We've got to do SOMETHING. Halo! Please tell me you've got an escape plan!" Halo ducked her head. "If I have one, it's in the making." She turned her eyes to Iris and Xerces, who were looking away. Dewdrop growled. "I want to move! These STUPID ColorWings chained me up! They're all going to get stabbed, paralyzed and then stabbed fatally!" He kept roaring and another HiveWing looked at Halo. "I think he's like this because he can't move without breaking his feet." Halo nodded. "I'm going to the next person now, okay?" Dewdrop nodded and kept hissing. When Halo walked away, she felt a chill down her spine. If Dewdrop was like that from just being unable to move, what would the rest feel like?

Stardreamer was relaxing and talking to a NightWing Halo recognized. She was in the Sapphire Winglet Parents Day area and was introduced by Gossamer. That felt so long ago at this point. Stardreamer waved. "Halo!" Halo walked over to the NightWing who was smiling. "You remember my mom, right?" Halo nodded. "Yeah. Though it's really foggy. I just saw her when Gossamer was introducing our parents." Stardreamer smiled. "Hey, Halo, before you leave? If you could only escape with one tribe, who would you take?"

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