Chapter 2

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Y/n hesitantly turned around to see who had spoken to her. Behind her was a small skeleton monster, he looked young. This strange boy was wearing a purple and gold outfit and he had a golden crown on that appeared to be in the shape of a crescent moon.

"H-hi... uhh how are you?" y/n gave an awkward smile to the young skeleton, noticeably a little startled.

"ahh! I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you!!" The young skeleton's face dropped a little as he looked down at the ground shuffling his feet. "I uh noticed the bruises and came over to see if you were ok"

"huh.? Oh, yea I'm ok! It's nothing to worry about!" Y/n gave the young skeleton a gentle smile while trying to avoid the possible conversation about the bruises. 

The young skeleton awkwardly looked around and sat next to y/n. "So what's your name?" 

"Oh! My names Y/N! What's yours?"

"My name is Nightmare, It's nice to meet you y/n!!" Nightmare gave y/n a gentle smile.

Nightmare and y/n talked for a while, they talked about who nightmare was and who his brother was, and they talked about their favorite books and hobbies until sunset. They talked for so long Nightmare didn't notice that his brother, Dream, had returned back to the tree from the village and was watching them talk.. happy his brother finally made a friend.

The two noticed it was starting to get dark, to which y/n started to panic a little bit.

"O-oh no... It's really late Nova is going to have my head when I get back.." y/n mumbled this but Nightmare slightly heard her.

"Who's Nova?" Nightmare cocked  his head at his question.

"oh- uh -uhm she's the head mistress at my home.. she's pretty mean and strict.. She always finds something to yell at me about. Me being this late is really going to do it." As she said this y/n hurriedly got up and started to walk back towards the village.

Before she disappeared she turned around and her and Nightmare gave their farewells to each other. On y/n way home she stopped at a local shop to hopefully buy her forgiveness with a didn't work.


Nightmare POV

I sat back against the tree watching y/n jog down the hill and back towards the village. Many thoughts ran through my mind. "She has so much negative energy" "what's with the bruises? Is she getting bullied?". I was lost in thought that I didn't even realize that my brother had taken a seat next to me and was waving my hand in front of my face to break my trance.

"Brotherr...Nightmare..Helloooo! Earth to Nightmare" Dream eventually just tapped his brother which broke his thought.

"Huh? Oh hey brother! uhhh how long have you been here?" I looked at my brother with a slightly worried look hoping he didn't see me taling with y/n. I love him to death but I really don't want him in my business like that...I don't want him to take her... WAIT? WHAT AM I THINKING?! TAKE HER?! "uhghhh Nightmare you only just met her" I had thought to myself, mentally face palming.

"Long enough to know you have a new friend! What's her name?"


"hehe I'm tired..How about we talk about this in the morning" I say wanting to avoid the conversation in complete. Like I said I don't want him knowing to much about her.



After I got back to the home I was greeted by a very angry Nova. She screamed at me for what felt like hours. I just stood there not instead I spaced out and started thinking about my new...friend. I started thinking about his personality, how he was so kind and sweet but something seemed off...something I couldn't quite place. 

Once Nova stopped yelling at me I started to head to my room. I was hoping my roommates were sleeping and I was most of hoping Claudia and her rats were sleeping. I thankfully got to my room and into my bed without anymore harm being done.

I started thinking about today and how I wanted to get back at the rats for hitting me but like usual. I'm to scared to do anything I think of..and with that I was soon asleep.



So I'm not gonna give the chapters names like I originally was going to. Also I hope y'all are enjoying so far even though this is only the second chapter lol. I'm going to try to make these chapters longer I just need to think of more content. 

I also know how the whole corruption thing is goi8ng to happen with these two so stay tuned!  

Anyways it's like 1 AM so goodnight!!!

Love and Obsession (Nightmare x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora