Chapter 8

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     Nightmares POV:

     It had been a few days since I sent Horror to warn my little y/n of our meeting. I had finally found her again after 500 years. Her soul was unique, one of a kind, so it really wasn't that hard to pick up on the revival of her soul in the multiverse. 

     I had been giving her glimpses of me, it was creating a great deal of paranoia and negative feelings in her, exactly what I wanted to do. My plan had worked. I've been creating negativity all throughout her world so that Dream couldn't intervene. I didn't want him to take her away from me again... not this time.



     It had been a few days since that incident with that skeleton occurred, all I could think about though was his warning just before he left. I didn't know how to take it. Was he just joking? Was it an empty threat, or was their real intention behind it? 

     I told the store owner of the incident and she looked into it. She came back to me the day after and basically called me crazy. The security footage seemed to have been deleted from when it happened, and the gold? It's like it just magically reappeared. This whole week has just been super strange.

     I decided to take today off since it was my 21st birthday. I called up some friends to try to take my mind off of this strange week. I and a few friends went to The Underground, which was a club in the middle of the city.

"Y/n! Happy birthday girl!!! 21 bItcH!" Kurro seemed to already be drunk. Light weight. 

     I hugged her and she gave me that drunk hug back. I went over to the bar and ordered just a plain shot of vodka as tonight, I wanted to get shitfaced. I wanted to just let loose and forget about all my problems. 

     After a about 5 shots I was decently drunk. I decided to observe the people on the dance floor until I felt a tug on my arm. Kurro tried to drag me onto the dance floor, after all my protesting, she succeeded. Hours passed and we eventually left.

    Kurro called an Uber to come pick her up and bring her home. We said our farewells and I started to walk home. As I was walking home I felt a sharp pain behind my eyes and than everything went black.


     I woke up in my bedroom, my head was pounding. I glanced around my room and everything seemed normal, than it hit me. How the FUCK did I get home?! I started to panic until I heard a chilling cold voice.

"Greetings, y/n. We finally meet." I shot up from my laying position and slowly turned my head towards the sound of the voice. I was met with nothing but a single glowing cyan eye and a bright white smile.

"W-who are you? How did you get into my house?? HOW'D YOU KNOW WHERE I LIVE?" A million questions ran through my head but those were the only three I could verbally get out. I started to hyperventilate at the thought that he's been the one following me. Stalking me.

"All your questions will be answered in time, but for now all I will tell you is that my name is Nightmare." He spoke in a calm and amused manner, almost like he was enjoying my panic. I looked at him with pure fear. His smile looked like it... grew.?

"Rest y/n, You'll need it.

     The last thing I felt was a cold, wet..? hand touching my forehead.


   The area was dimly lit, the sky was a blood red and I stood on a small hill in front of a rigid tree stump. The area seemed weirdly familiar.

"What is this place?" I was met with no answer. I was alone again. 

     I decided to explore a little more. I saw what looked like an abandoned town at the foot of the hill. I decided to make my way over to the town to see if maybe any of the buildings had any type of indication as to where I was.

     I entered the town and immediately felt someone was watching me. I was very creeped out. I continued to walk around a bit more to see if I can gather any information as to where this place was. As I continued my search I saw what appeared to be library. Perfect! I ran over to the library and scanned through what books still stood, that's when I saw it, at the back of the library. The book looked brand new. No dust, no damage.

"Dreamtale... Is that what this place is?"

"Yes" That voice again.

"AHH FUCK!" I jumped and shot around to face the source of the voice. It was a skeleton monster. He was covered in what looked like an inky substance, with one cyan glowing eye... and that white smile...

"YOU! You're the one who broke into my house!" I tried to back away but was only met with a bookcase behind me. He looked at me with a blank stare and that stupid white smile.

"Correction, I brought you home after you blacked out on your city streets." He took a step closer to me.

"St- Still!" My voice shook as I said that. I saw a clear path to run away from this creep and I tried to do just that.

     I tried to run but was met with something grabbing my leg and dragged me back to the dripping skeleton.

"Who are you and what do you want?!" My eyes started to fill with tears as my voice shook from fear and shock.

"I've already told you y/n... My name is Nightmare." He spoke once more. "You'll find out soon enough with what I want from you." Nightmare's tone changed at that last bit. 

I started to hear a beeping sound and the world around me started to crumble.

"Farewell y/n, We shall meet again. Soon. Very soon."

I woke up in my bed to my alarm going off. 

I t   W a s   A l l   A   D r e a m . . .

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