Chapter 7

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Chapter 7-Burning Leaves

The Third Shinobi War was officially over. Iwa had surrendered. Not surprising given how one Namikaze Minato uses his Hiraishin no Jutsu on hundreds of Iwa Shinobi and killed them all within mere seconds. The Tsuchikage, fearing the man will somehow use said Jutsu to get within Iwa's walls, decided to cut his losses, and called for a truce while he still had the chance. After being the final hold out of the war due to Kiri's initial plan to destroy Konoha backfiring, and Kumo no longer having the stomach for staying in the war, Iwa knew their Tsuchikage had done the right thing.

Naturally, they didn't like it, but it was either make peace or live long enough to see Iwa invaded, and most likely destroyed by their enemies. So with great reluctance, Iwa's need for self-preservation won over the village's pride to continue fighting.

But while peace had finally settled overall, Konoha itself was, ironically enough, having its own problems at the moment following this new found peace. A growing tension had sprung up in the Leaf, thanks in no small part by those currently in power, and refusing to see change happening for the better.

Instead, they were choosing the opposite, and in their prideful arrogance...didn't even know it.

"I have served as the Sandaime Hokage for many years. Proudly. Faithfully. Never once have I flinched in the face of danger. Sadly, I cannot be your Hokage forever. As much as I wish it in order to protect you from the dangers lurking beyond our walls," said Hiruzen calmly while the people below him heard his words and drinking it up.

Well...almost everyone.

"Here is the moment of truth Kushina-chan. Time to see what the old monkey does now," whispered Minato to his wife Kushina, as they stood behind the Sandaime Hokage along with the Clan Heads, the Councils, and ANBU Captains witnessing the transition from one Hokage to the next

"It is with my great pleasure to announce to you my successor. One who is worthy of the title and has loyally served Konoha since he was a child. I present to my successor and the new Yondaime Hokage!" declared Hiruzen before he turned around to stare at Minato for a second with a knowing look on his face.

A "you brought this on yourself" look...before turning his head fully to a slightly stunned Uchiha Fugaku since no one had told the Uchiha he would become the new Hokage.

'Me? Hokage?' thought Fugaku, who took several steps forward, and given the Hokage hat by Hiruzen himself.

"Uchiha Fugaku, by the power given to me as the Sandaime Hokage, I now name YOU the Yondaime Hokage of Konoha. May your time as the Hokage of Konoha be a long and prosperous one!" exclaimed Hiruzen with the crowd being shocked at first since they were expecting Namikaze Minato to be the next Hokage.

But soon the people got over it and begun to clap and cheer for the man the Sandaime had personally chosen to lead Konoha into the future.

"So Hiruzen has made his decision," whispered Kushina with her eyes narrowing at the old monkey.

"Sorry you didn't become the Hokage. I know it was your dream Minato-sensei," said Rin while Kakashi looked depressed at seeing his sensei being denied what was meant to be his after all that had happened during the war.

"This is not right...or fair. Not even close," whispered Kakashi sadly while his Father put a supportive hand on his shoulder.

"Not everything in life is right or fair my son. I learned that the hard way. It was thanks to Kushina's clan that I realized we have to endure and seek greener pastures when the one we are in doesn't fit us anymore. Its not betrayal if the people in the village betray you first despite you giving them all of your loyalty and love. A village filled with people like that are not worth protecting. They are not even people anymore. Just rats and snakes on a sinking ship slowly eating each other to stay alive long enough to see the ship sinking completely before they all drown," replied Sakumo while seeing his son stiffen a bit at his words, but accepting them nonetheless.

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