Chapter 4

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Chapter 4-More Ripples

When many first saw Uzumaki Yamamoto, they saw only what their eyes perceived, and believed of him in terms of appearance. He looked like an old, sickly, tired man with no form of strength the legends stated he was back as a young man. Many of the people from merely looking at him based on first glance, would easily assume the man was weak, and a small gust of wind would knock the old man over.

Of course, we are reminded of the old adage that appearances can be...deceiving!

Hence what the many unfortunate Konoha ninja around him at training ground # 22 sadly realized when they were being put through the ringer by Yamamoto in a spar. The man had taken off his coat and upper clothing to reveal the physical body of a God made flesh. If it weren't for the long beard and wrinkled face, you would never would have believed this was the body of an old man, and an Uzumaki to boot!

It was almost amusing to Yamamoto to see so many Shinobi of Konoha on the ground, moaning in pain, and in need of medical attention. In the time he was here, many Shinobi had become less intimidated by him, and claiming the Uzumaki was past his prime, and to just retire from service. They felt it an insult to their pride as young men and women as well as ninja of Konoha that this old man could keep up with them like it was nothing. So they did the only thing that came to mind as those who felt their wounded pride needed to be inflated again.

They challenged Yamamoto to a spar. All of them VS Uzumaki Yamamoto.

It drew many spectators. Civilians and Shinobi alike. From simple merchants to Tsunade, Nawaki, Dan, and even the Sandaime Hokage himself. Danzo was also watching with his Root in the shadows to assess how great the threat Yamamoto was to Konoha. Even the likes of Orochimaru and Jiraiya were watching from a distance when the fighting started.

If you could call it a fight. It left many of the ninja spectators watching to realize this man before them was not what they all assumed him to be in terms of being a weak old man. Of course, Yamamoto could hardly be called weak now when the old Uzumaki had single handedly defeated a total of 135 Shinobi ranging from Chuunin to Jounin and even a few ANBU in nothing but pure Taijutsu.

'Yamamoto hasn't lost a step. He's how old and still this strong?!' thought Hiruzen with a bead of sweat rolling down the side of his face.

"That's my old man Yama! Kicking ass and taking names!" exclaimed Kushina beside Tsunade and giving a victory sign at Jiraiya, who grumbled at her, and reluctantly gave the woman a large roll of money.

Tsunade would have chimed in on the bet, but Nawaki reminded her that every time she bet on something, or someone...she always loses. It earned him a lump on the head via her fist, but in the end Nawaki knew it was totally worth it.

Especially when seeing a red faced Tsunade glaring at Dan when the man snickered at the truth and had to defend himself from the angry woman when she heard it.

"The strength behind Uzumaki genetics is most impressive. If only everyone were able to share in such a bloodline trait," remarked Orochimaru with a hint of interest in his voice that beneath the layer of minor interest was a much deeper amount of greater interest.

For years, his sensei had told him the Senju bloodline was the superior bloodline when compared to the Uchiha Clan since both were descended from the Sage of Sixth Paths. Each having the claim from one clan being descended from the eldest son of the Sage and the other was descended from the youngest. So the mere richness of each bloodline with their unique abilities was considered to be a grand treasure to be coveted, defended, and protected at all costs.

And for the longest time...Orochimaru believed his sensei to be right.

At least until today when seeing one Uzumaki Yamamoto, the oldest Uzumaki on known record, smashing through men far younger, and in their prime no less. Yamamoto was well over a hundred years old, had been around since the time of the warring clans area before Hashirama, and Madara ended the feud between their clans to form Konoha. It was almost hard for someone with Orochimaru's ingenious mind to comprehend the idea of this old man besting those younger and (thus in theory by the natural order of things) suppose to be stronger individuals. He knew the Uzumaki Clan were cousin clans of the Senju and thus almost them cousins to the Uchiha Clan to some small extension. It also gave them a connection to the Sage of Six Paths himself so they were in the same type of criteria that Hiruzen put the other two.

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