Chapter 2

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Chapter 2-The Safety of Uzu

It was an interesting experience for him to see his Mother's homeland at the height of its power during the Second Shinobi War. He saw his Uzumaki kin walking around, being happy, healthy, full of life, and all around feeling good. A far cry from what would one day befall them and Uzu without his intervention in the months to come. The Second Shinobi War was escalating, Iwa was on the march, and Kumo was beside them in that regard. Suna and Kiri were also showing signs of choosing targets, but the time traveled Uzumaki knew they would all converge on Uzu at the last possible moment.

The elderly man suspected Jiraiya and his Kami damned spy network had a hand in that if the revelation by the Shinigami on what the Sannin did in selling out the Uzumaki Clan during this point in time as any indication. All of the misfortunate that befell the Uzumaki Clan had shortly happened when Sarutobi Hiruzen became the Sandaime Hokage. That moment in time was actually several years ago and shortly following his reign there were clear signs of tension between Uzu and Konoha.

'Not surprising. We did want Mito here for the resealing of Kurama into a new host and they wouldn't allow it. Stating 'security risk' this! 'Seal weakening' that! Bah! If they were truly so concerned about such things, they would have let us take her right out of Konoha in secret, and misdirecting the other villages with Ero-Sennin's spy network. Instead, they had demanded we send one of our clan to Konoha for the resealing. They only reason I even allowed this to happen was so my Mother would be holding Kurama and she would one day meet my Father,' thought one Uzumaki Yamamoto, who was also at one point in life from the future, and been called Uzumaki Naruto.

But unlike before, this time he was a true full blooded Uzumaki, and had all the skills one such as himself at his age possessed. As it turned out, there had actually been an Uzumaki Clan member by the name of Uzumaki Yamamoto-(insert super long ass name here), and was presumed dead for years some time between the First and Second Shinobi War. No one knew if it was from old age or some vengeful Shinobi from rival villages. Of course when Naruto or rather Yamamoto showed up on the clan doorstep, many were hesitant to believe he was the genuine article, and asked where he was all this time. The proclaimed Yamamoto easily explained how he had gone into isolation in order to go on a spiritual journey of enlightenment.

The fact he didn't get in touch with them during this was due to him losing track of time and the old Uzumaki humbly apologized for it. Much to the heavy sweat dropping and face planted reactions of his kin when he said "I got lost on the road of spiritual life. My bad!" before giving a hearty Uzumaki chuckle.

Following that particular moment, Uzumaki Yamamoto was now part of the clan once more, and was considered a key advisor to the Uzumaki Clan Head. Many suggested he take over as Clan Head seeing as he was the oldest if not strongest Uzumaki around, but Yamamoto told them that it wasn't for him, and trusted the current Clan Head to do things right.

"Hey old man!" exclaimed a red haired girl running up to Yamamoto with a smile on her face.

"Hello Kushina-chan. How are you?" asked Yamamoto while finding it interesting to see his Mother this way.

Since the last time he saw her was in his mind, full grown, and not afraid to hit him on the head for being what she considered "rude".

"I'm fine. Better then you I bet with your old bones," commented Kushina with a grin.

Cue tick mark from Yamamoto and a punch to the girl's red haired head.

"My bones maybe old Kushina, but they have lost none of their strength!" exclaimed an irritated Yamamoto before he realized just what he had done.

He had just hit his Mother...former Mother on the head. For a moment, he feared what would happen if Kushina found out her future son, who traveled back in time, had hit her right on the head as a child, and all over calling him old. Fortunately, the moment was shrugged off since he doubt she would ever find out, and its not like anyone alive would be able to tell her the truth...apart from himself...which he had NOOO intention of doing.

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