Erica meanwhile comes stomping into the living room waving a handful of rags around.

“Erica what’s wrong” Boyd asks in a gentle tone to his girlfriend, fully aware that she is quick to fly off the handle so this needs to be dealt with delicately. “That little fuzzball not only stole my clothes and towel from the bathroom but when I managed to track them down I found them torn to bits, look at this” she screams, dangling what he assumes must have been a top and trousers of some kind. Boyd looks un-phased but offers consolingly “you know he likes making nests, we all have to be careful not to leave things lying around if we don't want to risk them getting destroyed, at least you can always buy another set, its a good excuse for a shopping trip” he states.

Erica if possible looks even wilder at this “Another set! This was from Bloomingdale’s Boyd, do you know how much this shit cost!” she shouts as she shakes the items in his face. Boyd just rolls his eyes and turns back to the game, unpausing it and dismissing the conversation entirely. Isaac following his lead turns back around and Erica stomps off to her room to no doubt yell and curse Stiles some more.

By the time Derek gets home having picked up the Sheriff whose car had broken down, Erica has calmed somewhat. The rest of the Pack have all come over and they are going to have a Pack movie night, eat Chinese food and watch Star Wars in another bid to jog Stiles’ memory with his favourite things.

The night starts off well with the Pack chowing down as they watch A New Hope. Stiles seems calmer tonight, engrossed in watching the TV, he actually appears to be paying attention as he is curled up on Isaac’s lap enjoying the delicate attention the boy is pouring on him.

When Lydia rises to find her phone she shrieks in dismay alerting the whole pack as she stomps back into the room. She holds her handbag aloft and is pointing at Stiles “Bad Stiles!” she shouts, then flicks him on the nose. Stiles startles and jumps back giving a growl and swipes at her hand. Derek has tensed beside Isaac, putting his hand out either to hold Stiles back from launching himself at Lydia or to stop the redhead from flicking him again. But its Noah who speaks up “Lydia whilst I am sure you had a very valid reason, why did you do that?” he asks exasperatedly.

“That little demon has been destroying my designer baby, he has chewed up my handbag, look at this!” she points, raising her bag aloft where a bunch of tiny holes can be seen working their way up the side in the leather “This is Prada, PRADA!” she yells, in a mini banshee shriek, that makes the Pack all wince slightly at the sound.

Noah intercedes “Lydia I am sure he didn’t mean it, he is just doing what comes natural to him, you know its not on purpose” he offers.

Lydia huffs in annoyance conceding the point “I realise that I just had thought that by now we would have made some headway” she says miserably, slouching back into the nearest chair. Erica nods in agreement, her patience still worn thin after the bathroom debacle earlier that day.

Its Scott that makes the suggestion half jokingly, half serious. "Deaton has had me looking up cures to curses and spells at work and there is something that we have discussed but ...." and he wavers off hesitantly.

"Spit it out Scott for the love of all that is holy" Noah pleads, in exasperation of the utter drama this bunch of kids seem to create at the simplest opportunity.

“Well there is a suggestion that fairy tales and curses have a similar background set in truth so we were talking and the thing is that whilst it sounds really stupid there is a teeny tiny chance it could be something that may help" he pauses.

Lydia throws her now destroyed bag at him and it hits him in the head, "What Scott What, stop blathering and say it" she demands.

Scott scowls at her rubbing his head even thought the bag barely made any impact and then says "What about True Loves Kiss” his cheeks redden slightly when all eyes turn to him, some incredulous others mocking.

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