Chapter 7

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“Coyote, what coyote?” Malia interrupts, a defensive snarl starting to rumble out of her throat and her fangs elongating.

Noah rolls his eyes “just a coyote that tried to make me it’s dinner, before Derek saved my sorry ass by tearing its throat out with his teeth” he responds, tilting his head in acknowledgement of Derek, who once again seems to have a slight blush hinting his cheeks.

“It was the coyote you were following” he says, “I had been tracking the coyote as its scent was similar to whatever it is that I can smell near Stiles’ scent, however when I had to attack it I could tell it wasn’t the same creature, just an animal with similar notes in its aroma” he states with annoyance.

“So does that mean that Stiles is with a coyote or maybe a were-coyote?” Noah asks to which Malia once again snarls.

“I don’t know Noah sorry, like I said I could be totally wrong, maybe I am just chasing random animals through the forest and associating them with what I want to find” Derek says miserably.

“Okay” Lydia declares, bringing the attention to herself “what we have here can be simply resolved” she says, making Derek raise his eyebrows at her in question. “Tomorrow the Pack will all go out to where you met the Sheriff today, they will scent the coyote’s remains and you will then take them to wherever you last scented or can now scent Stiles and this other creature. The more noses that get involved the more certain we can be on whether or not what you are scenting is real”. she states.

"We will make sure you all scent one of Stiles’ items of clothing before you go so that its fresh in your nasal passages so as to ensure maximum certainty. Based on tomorrow’s findings we will be able to figure out whether or not you have been tracking Stiles this entire time. If it turns out you have been, you will come back here to plot everything on the map in order to aid our search, this may enable us to pre plan the likelihood on where he is most likely to be next. If however what you have been scenting turns out not to have been Stiles, well then we will just continue with our searches as we had planned, but incorporate Derek’s previous findings into the map too, agreed?” she states decisively.

Derek looks at the Banshee with eyes wide in surprise, Scott is nodding along like it’s the best idea since sliced bread and Isaac is sat on tenterhooks watching for Derek’s response closely. Nobody however speaks up, all waiting for the Alpha’s response. After a significant pause, of which Lydia retains direct eye contact with him, Direct smiles in appreciation and states “agreed”. A sigh of relief seems to erupt and Noah directs his eyes to Isaac, the kid is watching him with soft awe filled eyes and Noah is reminded of his conversation with the kid the night before, with how he had been so afraid of losing Derek, of losing his Alpha. Noah sends a wink his way and smiles and is rewarded with a beaming grin in response, damn that boy is gonna melt hearts when he goes off to college he thinks.

Noah slaps his hands on his knees and rises “well I had best be making tracks, I am on shift in an hour and I want to brief Parrish on the latest before he heads off home so I will be seeing you all real soon. You all make sure to get some rest you hear, you’ve all been working yourselves ragged so take some time to recoup before your scent search tomorrow” he smiles, patting Derek on the back as he moves towards the door.

All of them bid him farewell but Derek rises to walk him out “You take care too Noah” Derek states, a warm smile on his face as he reaches out to clutch the Sheriff’s shoulder “and thank you” he says quietly. “No problem son, you’re a good kid Derek, don’t you forget that” he says kindly.

Erica shouts from the other room “Bye Papa Stilinski thanks for returning our hard headed Alpha” he hears, before an outbreak of cackling laughter. Noah smiles up at Derek who rolls his eyes “good luck with her kid” he says jokingly, secretly adoring her wicked ways. “Yeah am gonna need it” Derek huffs and rolls his eyes before closing the door as they bid farewell.

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