Chapter 2

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Stiles wakes with a lurch sitting bolt upright panting in fear, his face is wet coated in tears and his body soaked with a cold sweat. It was a dream he thinks, but that doesn't bring any relief really, the Nogitsune had still happened for real, Allison and Aiden were both still dead and it was all Stiles' fault. It should have been him, they should have killed him and nobody else would have had to suffer or die.

He sobs silently not wanting to wake his dad who will no doubt get up to offer comfort like always, but he knows he doesn't deserve it. So he stays silent to go unnoticed, he's had plenty of practice by now. He's getting used to it, to being silent and putting on a false face so nobody notices the struggles he has. He only really engages with the Pack when a new threat faces Beacon Hills, the rest of the time he hides away in his room, out of the way, so nobody has to be forced to interact with the murderer, the monster.

Stiles reaches out to his bedside table, eyes still closed tight, for a tissue to wipe his nose. He keeps them handy given that he wakes like this most nights. However his fingers dont find the tissues, they find something soft, damp and mushy, something mossy? In a mixture of surprise and disgust he opens his eyes and gasps, he isn't in his room, he isn't even in his house. He drastically looks around himself and finds that he is in some kind of animals den, it's dark and smells kinda funky with what looks like a nest of leaves, twigs and random rags that have been scavanged together.

Stiles inhales sharply remembering that the last time he woke up in a strange place was when the Nogitsune was here, he had been found in Malia's coyote den having sleepwalked there. Oh god he thinks, what if its back, what if it wasn't all a dream?

No no the Nogitsune was gone, it was secured away, the Pack had seen to that. He was sure of it, he had faith in the Pack at least, just not in himself, he was weak, a liaibility, but his pack always came through. So this must just be a coincidence right? Perhaps his sub conscious made him sleepwalk here due to the nightmare and past similarities. Yeah sure that was it, he was fine or he would be fine if he could figure out where he was and how to get out.

Taking a deep breath in order to calm himself and wiping his face clear of the remaining snot and tears, Stiles pushes himself to his feet. He has to hunch over slightly as wherever he was it wasn't overly spacious, he took a shaky step forwards, not entirely sure of his surroundings given the limited lighting and a sharp pain shoots through his ankle making him stumble and fall to his knees, his hands grazing the dirt and cutting themselves on something sharp, making him gasp. "Fuck" he mutters, turning his hands over and seeing he's sliced both of them open on whatever it was he had hit. "Great just great" he winced as he tries to wipe the blood off on his top.

Once the blood is wiped off he reaches to press on his ankle to test where he had felt the pain that made him stumble. Poking around he lets out a sharp inhale as he puts pressure on a particular spot. Brilliant he thinks, as if this wasnt bad enough it looks like he had a sprained ankle too, how the fuck was he going to get out of here and find his way home now. He needed help but odds were that nobody had even noticed he was gone, it was still dark out so it was clearly still the middle of the night and it was a Saturday too, so given he rarely spent his free time with any of his Pack anymore and his dad would be working, nobody was likely to notice he was missing for some considerable time.

It was bitterly cold out here too and he had no food or water either, he was royally screwed this time. Maybe this should have brought panic or fear, but all Stiles felt was a sense of acceptance. He sighed, maybe this was for the best, if he perished out here he would finally pay for what he had done as the Nogitsune. His dad would be upset sure but he had the Pack, Melissa, Parrish and Chris, they would look out for him. Everyone else would probably be relieved he was gone.

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