Chapter 5

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After Noah and Isaac get up the next day Noah asks Isaac to let him into Derek's loft so he can grab a change of clothes for the wolf, in the hope he will be able to persuade him to shift back.

On entering the loft they had found Scott curled up with Kira on the sofa, whilst the rest of the Pack raided the kitchen for breakfast. It appeared that they were having an impromptu meeting where Scott was briefing Lydia, Ethan, Boyd and Erica on where he and Kira had conducted searches of the previous day. They had all been taking different areas, searching in pairs to scout for Stiles' scent, whilst Lydia was unable to scent like the wolves, she was able to pick up resonances of a persons aura if she knew them well enough, so far they hadn't had any real success, but they were definitely successful in eliminating areas. Well that was how they chose to view it anyhow, not that they had been consistently failing in their rescue mission.

They all looked up at Isaac and Noah's entrance. Scott leapt to his feet depositing an unsuspecting Kira on the floor in his eagerness to greet them. He looked down at her with apology, his puppy dog eyes in full effect and leant down to help her up, apologising profusely. Kira just rolled her eyes at him whilst Noah snorted in amusement, Isaac silently chuckling beside him.

"Morning all" then nodding at Scott, Noah jokingly says "Scott, glad to see you have honed those fine werewolf reflexes down to a fine art". Scott instantly blushes and Erica cackles calling out "yeah smooth Scotty boy" in a very Stiles esque manner that makes everyone do a double take. They clearly had been spending way too much time together before the whole Nogitsune drama.

"So" Lydia states, bringing the sudden awkward silence in the room to an end, "what's going on? Is there any news on Stiles or has something else happened?".

Attention soon switches to Noah and Isaac, everyone looking over at them with a nervous energy. They know it can't be bad news as Noah had been joking with Scott moments ago, but that doesn't mean that everything is ok either, this is Beacon Hills after all.

"Nothing to worry about" Noah says calmly "I thought it was about time I tried to track down that elusive Alpha of yours and had a bit of a chat, Isaac kindly agreed to let me in so I could grab some of Derek's clothes, as I don't fancy getting caught chatting to a naked Derek Hale in the forest if any passers by happen to see us. I am not having the whole town thinking I am having secret liaisons with a young man in the woods, you know how the gossips can talk and it would be a shame to be forced to arrest him for public indecency" Noah states with a laugh. The Pack all chuckle in response, Isaac subtly nods at the Sheriff, silently acknowledging his thanks for Noah not telling the others about their conversation the previous night.

The Pack all jump to help in the hopes of aiding their Alpha. They all were worried about him, he had taken Stiles' disappearance harder than the rest of them after being the last one to speak to him. He regretted not staying on the phone with Stiles, he could have helped in some way if he had stayed on the phone with him, he may have heard whoever had taken Stiles approaching with his advanced hearing and been able to warn Stiles to hide. At the very least he would have heard what exactly had happened and been able to give them all a lead to follow in their search for him. Needless to say he blamed himself totally, despite Noah's protestations to the contrary, that boy had a guilt complex the size of America Noah had thought at the time, but enough was enough, it was time he had a reality check.

A heavy holdall was suddenly dropped at his feet, Erica was jauntally grinning right in front of him in a very wolfish way. "Here ya go Papa Stilinski Sir, your all set for your scouting mission with clothes, food and water. Boyd popped some extras in for you too" she nudges with a cheeky wink. Noah opens the bag out of curiosity and sees a bag of cream cheese bagels and donuts. This is practically mana from heaven given the health foods he has been forced to eat for so long. Noah grins up at Erica and looks across the kitchen to acknowledge his appreciation to Boyd whispering a heartfelt thank you that only the wolves and not a clearly mystified Lydia can hear. Boyd smirks and winks mouthing a very clear "enjoy" behind Lydia's back.

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