Chapter 9: Oh, Baby

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Beware of truths coming out, the MC popping off and major plot twists.

Chapter 9: Oh, Baby

"Bailey Anne Underwood, will you do me the honor of marrying me?"

"What?!" Vanessa and I shouted at the same time.

He was the last person I expected to find on the other side of the door. His family doesn't even live anywhere near here. They lived all the way in Michigan. Only Vanessa would go as far as buying him a plane ticket all the way over here just to cause trouble.

He was in a black overcoat with a fur-lined hood, an ugly Christmas sweater paired with khakis and brown leather loafers. His cheeks were tinged pink as the cold touched his skin, his Harvard beanie was keeping his hair warm and his fingers were kept warm inside gloves. I didn't know how I should feel. Shocked or disgusted.

"Bailey Anne, what the hell is going on?!" Mom cried out. I slowly twisted around, scared to face her narrowed eyes. She wasn't angry. She was more confused with her forehead lined with wrinkles and her brows furrowed. I gestured to her that I'd talk to her in a minute.

I leaned in so no one who was watching could hear. "You treated me like a queen for three years only to cheat on me with my best friend. And now, here you are with a diamond ring and you expect me to marry you, have your babies and live happily ever after with you? You broke-nay, shattered my heart. I'm never getting back together with you."

Heartache was written across his facial features but that was nothing compared to the kind of heartbreak I experienced because of him. I didn't have any sympathy for him just like he didn't for me. In my peripheral vision, I saw Kiley standing beside me with her arms crossed.

"So, you're the man who broke my baby sister's heart." She rolled her sleeves up as if that would intimidate him. "You're gonna fucking pay."

James looked more amused than intimidated. "That's cute."

I rolled my eyes. It was really cute how Kiley was trying to protect me, but it was useless.

"Do you mind if I talk to Bailey alone for a few minutes?"

Kiley scoffed. "Like hell you can."

The doorway got more crowded when Ryan joined us. Without taking his eyes off James, he leaned in toward Kiley to ask what was going on. She was happy to fill him in on everything; from the fake relationship to how James cheated me with my former best friend. His facial expression changed from puzzled to one of fury within seconds.

"He cheated on her?" He rolled his sleeves up to his elbows, showing off his muscled biceps. His broad shoulders would make any man intimidated. "I have three little sisters of my own. You know what I do to those who hurt them?"

It was safe to say that James was no longer amused. He cowered under Ryan's gaze as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck. He futiley attempted to butter him up. I couldn't help but smirk at him behaving like this, begging for mercy by apologizing serval times and complimenting his arms.

"Yo, if anyone gets to give this bitch what he deserves, it's me."

I rolled my eyes when Sammy chimed in. Anger thrummed in his veins with his face a bright red and his chest heaving up and down. Before I could stop him, he pulled his arm back and punched James square in the nose.


"Sammy? Seriously, what the hell is going on?" Dad shouted.

Silence filtered into the room as I gauged at everyone's reactions. Vanessa was still staring at him in shock that he proposed to me. Her mom was looking around the room for answers of what was happening. Auntie Jess was awkwardly taking a sip of her wine while her husband was slowly biting into his sugar cookie and side-eyeing us.

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