Chapter 1

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Chapter 1-Another Time

An old man sat on a small log in the middle of a forest deep within the region of Fire Country. He had a long beard that was so long it touched the ground. His head was bald with a small amount of white hair going down the back of his head and a X-shaped scar on the front of his forehead. This man was wearing an orange trench coat with a black spiral on the back to signify what clan he belonged to and was wearing a black shirt with black pants. He had Shinobi sandals on, shin guards, arm guards, and resting beside him was a large wooden staff he used as a cane.

Though in truth, it was much more then that.

As for who this person was in life? His name?

"Uzumaki Naruto. You are coming with us," commanded a masked ANBU Shinobi with a headband signifying he was from Konoha along with his team consisting of twenty other identical figures appearing from the shadows.

And on the sleeves of their arms was the crest of the Uchiha Clan to further signify who they all followed.

The figure that was now identified as Uzumaki Naruto ignored while he seemed to stare at nothing while smoking from his pipe. The very one that at one point belonged to the Sandaime Hokage himself.

"And just what does your honorable Hokage for an Uchiha want with me?" asked Naruto in an old, yet still strong voice.

"You sent the nine Biju away from this world. We are here to bring you back to Konoha where you are hereby ordered to reverse what you have done and seal them again in those chosen by Hokage-sama himself. You are to create nine new Jinchuriki for Konoha to use in the growing confrontation with the other four Shinobi villages rebelling against us," commanded the ANBU Captain, who saw Naruto blow some smoke out from his mouth.

"My answer like the last time a team came to see me is still the same. No," replied Naruto firmly while the team of ANBU suddenly drew their weapons.

"We have been authorized to use force to bring you back. Hokage-sama doesn't need you to cooperate. Just your knowledge on what you did and how to reverse it, which he will get from your way or another," threatened the ANBU Captain while Naruto just sighed.

"I told Sasuke to leave me alone. Time and time again, I have told that fool to leave me in peace. To let me live my life away from Konoha after everything I have lost. After I had my dreams taken from me. But like all Uchiha, he doesn't listen to others, nor does he try to think beyond his own desires, or ambitions in a quest for more power. Kurama was indeed correct. The Uchiha Clan is a cursed clan. Just as Konoha has become a cursed village," remarked Naruto before putting the pipe away.

"You traitorous bastard!" exclaimed an angry ANBU to the Captain's right, who signaled for him to calm down while keeping an eye on the old man in front of them.

Naruto wasn't always this old looking. It had been a price he was forced to pay. One the Shinigami told him would be the cost when the Uzumaki summoned him and wanted to free the Biju from being turned into tools of war again. It had happened shortly after the Fourth Shinobi War had ended and peace happened throughout the lands and all was least at first.

Until Sasuke was made the Seventh Hokage.

As it turned out, Naruto couldn't become Hokage of Konoha due to his Mother being from the Uzumaki Clan in Uzu, and thus considered a foreigner at the time when she came to the village. The law stated no one of foreigner blood from another country or Shinobi village could become Hokage. That only someone of such decadency after three generations down could have that right. By that point, they were considered to be "pure blooded Konoha citizens" once that happened and the chance of betraying the village had been successfully "bred out". It was a law imposed by the Sandaime Hokage himself during his younger years as the ruler of the village. He had made this rule "officially" as a "precaution" should enemies of Konoha try to infiltrate Konoha as refugees, seduce some of its people, and then raise the children they have to usurp the power of the village from within. To prevent possible traitors and sleeper agents from destroying the village once the next generation were full grown.

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