20 | "Please Mom!"

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"Woohoo go Silas" , "Soo Smart" , "Maybe you should tutor me one day". Was all I heard from the girls sitting in front of me. Talking all that nonsense to Silas. I mean seriously.. Cheering for something he didn't even do? Funny!

I sit back down in my seat as Grace sends me a fragile smile. "That was um.. Very interesting" She said talking about what the girls had been saying about Silas. "It's funny" I reply as a laugh escaped my throat, minutes pass as people keep presenting their projects. This was getting boring. Wondering when the hell I was going to leave this classroom. I look over to Silas to see him already glancing at me as he plays with his pen. Letting out a sigh, sick of him before..

Out of no where I hear Scarlett on my other side 
"You should've seen the look on Silas' face while he was looking at you when you were presenting" Scarlett said, widening her eyes. "What do you mean" I asked her genuinely confused on what she had meant.

"It looked like he wanted rip you apart full of hatred.. Or rip your clothes off full of lust, at the same time" She said smirking at the last of her sentence.

I rolled my eyes, I really hated how my friends thought me and Silas had some sort of connection just because we had literally been paired up unintentionally together out of luck, like on every single school related thing or excursion.. Whatever not the point, The point was they had no idea how much anger held up in me for that guy. Everywhere he walked girls would follow like lost puppies, full of desperation. I would rather die than make him think that I was at least the tiniest bit desperate for him.

Every time he talked, it was full of cockiness and a personality full of himself. Always commenting on everything I do and is most of the time annoying. My ears experience annoyance every time I hear that deep raspy voice of his talk to me or anyone in general, but a part of me wanting to hear his voice and I hated it. Most and for all, he hates me too.. So why would I have some sort of "thing" for a guy that ticks off every last one of my red flags list.

"Don't start with me Scarlett, I mean look at him. You can't imagine anyone more arrogant" I say looking at him while he writes down notes from the board, looking up and down as he copies the sentences that Mr Richards is writing down. The quietest he's ever been. "I mean he's kinda cute" Scarlett says. "Scarlett your dating his best friend" I tell her laughing. "I'm just joking" She says as she giggles. "Cute for you" She said smirking as I hit her shoulder playfully.

Scarlett, Grace and I finish up on the work that has been published in Science classes today. Minutes pass and the bell rings for lunch. About damn time. Packing up all our things into our backpacks as we exit the classroom and make our way to the cafeteria along with the rest of the class.


Standing in the line for food as It's finally my turn. I didn't really like the cafeterias food but I didn't have time to pack any food today so it had to do it for today. The lunch lady scooping up some pasta in my plate, sprinkling cheese on top. "Chilli?" She asks me. "No thank you" I tell her as she hands me over my plate, stuck in the same position. These damn lines. Always taking so long...

I smelt and recognised the familiar cologne coming from behind me. I turned around and saw Silas talking to the lunch lady, "Chilli handsome?" She asked him. "Extra please" He replied. He grabbed his plate and looked down at me. "What a disturbing surprise to see you here" He said to me, his eyes glazing upon my body up and down as he turned around and started talking to Jackson standing behind him. Seconds go past and I feel a heavy weight on my shoulder.

I notice Silas resting his arm on my shoulder like I was an arm rest. I ripped his arm off my shoulder as I pushed down on his shoulder motioning him that I want to tell him something. He bent down and placed his ear to my mouth so I could whisper  "I'm getting serious death stares from 90% of the girls at our school so stop touching me" I said before pushing him up as he gives me a smirk, his tongue hitting the inside of his cheek. "Wouldn't you like that?" He asked. "Ellie would" I replied as he rolled his eyes, I let out a laugh before I walked forwards to pay.

I'm not another girl he can fuck around with like a toy and leave, I hope he knows that I said thinking to myself before walking up to the counter to pay. I tap my card, "Your card has been declined" The lunch lady told me. "What do you mean declined? try it again please" I told her. "Nope sorry I can-" She said before someone cut her off.

"These two" said Silas directing to both our plates as he taps his card and pays for the both of us. "Your welcome" He whispers in my ear, feeling his hot breath against my ear as he passes me my plate and walks off before I got the chance to thank him out of confusion.

Hi! I'm so sorry for not updating earlier. My wattpad  was not opening but it did now eventually. Enjoy the next chapter like you hopefully did with this one.

Yours truely, Mary
Stay happy x

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