12 | Cloud 9

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This book is flopping badly, but i'm going to put my faith in it and continue writing. I love you all enjoy! -Mary <3


"Why do you care" Sophie asks me her tone full of attitude. That god damn mouth of hers, someone needs to cut her tongue. It'll be the best for us all.

I roll my eyes as I continue and reply to the brunette girl beside me "I don't fucking care" I says pushing her back down on the floor and get on top of her. "It's just.. let's say it's expensive. Wouldn't wanna, um waste it on you" I told her sounding convincing enough I thought to myself as I roll my eyes. I wave the bag full of white powder I had just took out of my back pocket and start dangling it in Sophie's face, her head up against the tiles of the floor beneath me.

My head was spinning, my vision was blurry, the ground was moving. My thoughts were colliding. My whole body feeling euphoria run through my veins. My arms relaxed on my rivals wrists as I grip them down beside her head to prevent her from moving.

I bring my head down to hers. "Get away you jerk" she says putting all her force and strength in as she continues to grunt trying to free her wrists from my hold. "I want to make one thing clear, hold on a second" I tell her staring deeply into those hazel eyes of hers. I've never seen her this close up before, both of us breathing heavily.

"Nobody fucking finds out about this, alright?" I tell her, clenching my jaw. I started doing drugs to black out the hatred my father had for me. Apparently I wasn't manly enough for him. He physically abuses me every time I would fuck up or make a tiny mistake.. and my mom doesn't do anything to prevent it, she just takes my sister away from the noise. My dad thinks i'm no role model for my younger sister Payton and that I cannot be trusted.

That's why my parents brought Sophie in the house to babysit Payton when I was literally in sight, in the house. I remember seeing Sophie the first time when she had come that night. My stomach dropping to the sight of her speaking to my parents. I wondered what she had been doing at my doorstep. I remember my hatred starting to pile up for her at that moment. I didn't want anything to do with her, I never want anything to do with her.

"Let.. go!" Sophie says grunting trying to get out of my grip, moving her head. I grab her chin with one of my hands stopping it directly in front of me. Her body stops moving, she lets go of the strength she had been holding. I wanted to be clear with her, she had a big mouth that bitch and it runs faster than flash.

"So I suggest you keep that pretty mouth closed for me, got it darling?" I tell her nodding my head slightly. "Or what hm? What are you going to do" She says her tone full of disgust and attitude as she slightly tilts her head to the right, squinting her eyes lightly. "That would ruin the fun wouldn't it" I tell her. "Fuck your and your fun, I don't want anything to do with you" she spits in my face.

"And you think I want anything to do with you? You little bitch just don't tell anyone" I tell her my tone getting louder as anger and frustration starts to pile up in me. Why couldn't she just agree with one thing I say, just for once in her life. Why did she have to be so god damn stubborn all the time. "Don't call me a bitch" She said, I feel her chest thumping inside out, I notice a big red stain on her shirt. Heavy breaths leaving those plump, peachy pink lips of hers.

I didn't have the energy to fight back with her, she consumed all my energy. She was the one that causes my anger, my stress, my embarrassment, my frustration. We hate each other so much but somehow she has such a big impact on me and my feelings. All the words that come out of her mouth somehow stays superglued in my mind and I don't know how, and why?

"How'd that happen" I ask her referring to the stain on her shirt as I get off her and make my way to the door, standing at the door frame. "Your bitch of a girlfriend" She says looking down at her chest. My tongue hitting the inside of my cheek as I ket out a chuckle before saying "Oh and I see those dirty looks you give to Ellie. Just let her be" I tell her. "No need to get jealous" I say continuing my sentence a smirk growing on my face.

"Why would I be jealous of a one night stand?" She says walking to the closet opens it as she starts to look for clothes in front of her. "Your just you, plain old bitchy you that's why" I tell her stating the facts in her face.

I notice her grab a black cropped shirt as she makes her way over to me. "Just don't fucking talk to me if you dislike me that much! Now get out" She quietly screams in my face before pushing me out the room, hearing a lock come from the inside of the room that was supposedly Grace's. Oops, didn't know or else I would've took my business elsewhere.

I make my way back downstairs noticing everyone sitting on the black, comfy leather couch placed in the living room. Scarlett and Jeremiah cuddling together, giggling. Grace and Jackson doing the same on the couch across and Ellie just sitting there on her phone.

"Silas man where have you been" Jackson calls out to me as I go to sit on the couch beside Ellie, my legs spreading. "Cloud 9" I tell him jokingly. Well not really, i kind of was. Whatever. I hear Jackson leave out a laugh as I start to hear the irritating noise beside me. "Silas baby" Ellie squeals. I chuck my head back, feeling it spin circles after circles still feeling the euphoric feeling in my veins. "Ellie I- was at the bathroom" I tell her unbothered.

To be honest, The only interest I had in Ellie was the sex. I've never had real feelings for a girl. I guess i've always been a playboy. I tried to.. love a girl. It never worked. I guess I just haven't found the one yet so i'm mucking around with the others.. and i'm not proud of it. She sits in my lap as my hands tug around her waist.

Her arms around my neck tightly. "Ayo who's down for a movie" Jeremiah announces as he grabs the remote from the coffee table in front of him. We all agree to a horror movie as it starts to play. We're 30 minutes into the movie and I realise Sophie still hasn't returned. Where is she? It's been a hour since I last saw her.

Minutes go by when all the sudden I see her coming down the stairs with Adam, Grace's brother with her. Their hands tangled together as she leaves out giggles and shushes him as they both try not to "interrupt" us for the movie we're watching.

My eyebrows raise when I see red marks appearing all over her neck, revealing more down to her chest. Her tits popping out of that tiny black crop top she was wearing. I look over to Adam and fire burns up in my chest. Why was he touching her, why was he leaving all these marks on her tan, toned body that was in my grip an hour ago.

I notice hickeys on Adam's neck, they stop walking and I notice Sophie grab Adam's face and pull him in for a kiss, he lifts her up bridal style and starts to kiss her neck as she chucks her head back. Adam starts to take the to the direction of the kitchen. No longer in my sight. Nobody noticed them besides me. Everyone was too busy munching on their popcorn, slurping on their drinks and too busy invested in the movie they were all watching. Even Ellie.

I split this into two chapters so the next will kind of just be a filler. I hope you are enjoying reading as much as i am enjoying writing! Plus I got covid so i'll be more active since i'm not attending school hehe

Yours Truly, Mary
Stay happy x

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