5 | Love Is A Myth

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Laying cozy, i hear a vibrating noise. Waking up my half asleep instincts. I gently open my eyes, rubbing them. Sun beaming through the windows directly on my face. It was Silas' alarm. Wait.. why am i on Silas? Shit! Why doesn't he have a shirt on.. Why don't i have a shirt on?.. My thoughts come flooding back from last night. As i remember it was too hot. My head was resting on Silas' chest. Yuck, yuck, yuck.

I quickly taunted off his disgusting chest picking up my shirt from off the ground and putting it back on, i notice him start to groan as he wakes up turning off his alarm that was in fact still going off. God, i hated alarms. Even if they were useful.. I see him go down and get his shirt, throwing it over his head. Wearing it again. Let me tell you despise the hate.. He had fucking good abs.

Seconds pass as we hear a loud bang on the other side of our door. "Wake up! Wake up! We have activities" I hear the door rattling as a key enters and unlocks it. Mr Howell busts in the room. "Why so dramatic sir? It's 9am" Silas asks him still rubbing his eyes clearly from his tiredness. "You two.. get changed" he said pointing to us both. We stand there.. "Now!" he says again.

"Fine, fine" we both said as we started to laugh. "Could've had a better sleep if you didn't pair me with this one" I tell our teacher before kneeling down and picking out a outfit from my suitcase that was still laying on the cold wooden ground. "Your acting like i want to be partners with you Sophie" Silas says rolling his eyes as he heads to the bathroom.

"Um, we'll i'll get going. Don't be too late, meet us for breakfast at the hall, to your right. There's signs flooding the place, You won't get lost. 9:15" Mr Howell alerts us. "Okay bye" i tell him waving my hand, signalling him a goodbye. I pick out some black leggings and a white hoodie with a black cropped t-shirt underneath, incase i get too hot and sweat during the activities. I had no doubt tho. It was freezing outside today. I finish getting changed as i see the bathroom door open. Silas walks out changed too. "Let's go" he tells me in a dead tone as he makes his way over to the door.

I follow up behind him, not saying a single word to each other on the way until he breaks the silence. "We have to find a way for us to get separated" He says clenching his jaw walking a bit in front of me. "Trust me if we could, i would. But there isn't any rooms left" i say as i sigh. I notice clench his jaw once more clearly looking annoyed before entering the hall where everyone was having breakfast. As he finds Jackson and Jeremiah.

"Hi!" Grace and Scarlett both scream when they see me. Giving me the tightest hug. "We missed you so much" They tell me hugging me with complete desire and compassion. "I missed you guys more" I say as i pull out from the hug and smile at the both of them. "Now let's go eat i'm starving" I tell them making myself look more dramatic then how much i really was. I was actually starving after all tho.

We wait in the line, for a while i'm telling you. "Ugh, can you hurry up" Grace says to the person in front of us. "Grace!" Scarlett quietly screams and budges her elbow into Grace as i leave out a giggle from their actions. We finally get our food and go sit down on a table. It was basically a huge hall with a bunch of tables, a kitchen and loads of students filling it up looking like ants hovering the area.

"Soo, tell us about how your going.. You know with Silas and all" Scarlett asks me before biting into her eggs. "Yeah we know you two don't get along. Like at all" Grace adds on top. "I mean.. i would much preferably be with you guys. We don't even talk, it's just some bickering here and there. And there's like tons of tension. Don't know why" i reply back to them as i start to eat. The flavours bursting on my tongue. Gosh i hadn't eaten in a long time. Me and Silas had skipped dinner yesterday. We were too tired.

"Wow, i would at least expect you two trying to move rooms" Scarlett says laughing. "Oh trust me, we did" i say back. "It is what it is. I mean there's only 2 more nights left anyways" I tell them. "True, true" Grace says as we all begin to eat then we're interrupted by Jackson, Jeremiah and.... Silas.

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