11 | It's Expensive

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I'm pouring my chocolate cereal into my white glass bowl as my phone gains a notification. A new group chat? They were spamming it with messages. I read through the people listed in the group chat, my eyes widening. Since when we're we all.. how can I say it.. friends?

Scarlett, Grace, Jeremiah, Jackson and Silas. Great.. of course Silas.

Well I guess you can kind of predict it, Jackson's dating Grace which is my best friend.. and Scarlett freshly started dating Jeremiah which are both connected with me since I'm close with their loved ones. But Silas why was he there, maybe I'm just petty everything would be better off without him, I mean I couldn't really do anything.

Letting out a sigh as I start to scroll up to the top where they started texting first. I pour my milk as it sinks into my crispy, chocolate cereal and make my way to the white marbled bench, the ceramic island in my kitchen as I took a seat. My mom and sister went out to grab groceries, they weren't here.

The Group

Grace: "omg great idea yes! You all are coming over to mine!"

Jackson: Okay babe, I'll come. Silas? Jeremiah? What about y'all?

Jeremiah: Yeah I'll come man, thanks Grace

Silas: Do I have to but, I don't want to if Sophie's coming.

Jackson: Get over it man

Silas: I'll come

Scarlett: You already know I'm coming

Grace: alright see you guys then. Soph? What about you

Sophie: Why not, sure.

Grace had invited us all over at hers for a meet up with all 6 of us. We've all known each other for years but never really made connections until this year with Jeremiah and Scarlett or a couple years back with Grace and Jackson. You know how their both dating. However me and Silas? Oh no, no connections just constant bickering. A teacher in the 7th grade once got so annoyed by me and Silas, she sent us both home. Don't they get it? Move me classes, or him, Actually move him.

I asked if they wanted me to bring anything, they said they've got it all covered. Sounds convincing, but I'll bring a couple bags of snacks anyways. I text my mom letting her know I probably won't be here when they get back, making my way over to Grace's house. Parking just outside. I make my way over to the front door ringing the door bell.

My eyes widen in surprise seeing the person who had opened the wooden front door for me. Ellie. What the fuck was she doing here?

"Ellie?" I say raising my eyebrows in confusion. "Why are you here?" She says chewing her gum loudly as her lips smack against each other, grabbing a piece of her hair rolling it in between her finger as she stands at the door.

Fucking bitch. "What are you doing here? Last time I checked this was MY best friends house" I tell her, a laugh leaving my mouth as I sigh by her presence. "Whatever" she says, I notice everyone outside expect for one person. My brain filling up with tons of  thoughts. Did Grace invite her? Grace knows i'm not good with her.

"She's here with me" Silas says coming out the kitchen as his hands slither around Ellie's waist and grab her figure to his side. "Figured that" I say laughing at his action to her waist, raising my eyebrows. "Anyways um, I'm gonna go" I tell them as I make my way outside.

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