10 | It Was A Kiss, Not Makeout

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This was just a filler chapter, that's why it's pretty short <3


I walk my way back over to him, "It was a kiss, not make out" I correct Silas "Why jealous?" I tell him crossing my arms over my chest. "I would rather jump off a cliff then let our lips connect just once" he said bringing himself closer to me with a disgusted look smudged on both our faces. "Same goes" i tell him holding eye contact. The tension rises as I can sense us both starting to get angrier.

Every time we were near each other, anger forms. It's been like this for years, everyone knew we despised each other. Students, teachers, friends, family. They all did. I'm used to it anyways, he is too and I didn't care. I couldn't take it anymore, being with him. Silas mother fucking Sinclair, so I walked off leaving him alone without a goodbye. I make my way back into the house, coming back to the party i noice Scarlett and Grace speed walking their way over to me. "Where were you!" Scarlett says "We looked all over the place for you" Grace adds on.

"I was just, getting some air" I let them know, not wanting them to worry about what happened with Silas and I, because I know for a damn fact they would go outside and start to scream the shit out of them. Didn't want a scene that's all. "Come on let's dance" I say dragging both one each of their hands with both mine and taking them to the dance floor.

I hear them giggle behind me as we reach the dance floor where everyone was dancing at. I start to sway my hips feeling myself to the rhythm of the music, Scarlett and Grace singing their lungs out and dancing. I notice Silas standing there, looking pissed and I also notice Adam. Silas locks eyes with me as I grab Adam and pull him over to me. I look him in the eyes as I notice his mouth goes near my ear.

"I wasn't drunk Soph" he whispers in my ear, smirking, within seconds I smash my lips back onto his, seeing Silas in sight looking at us with complete anger. I push Adam on a chair beside us and straddle him, starting to grind my hips onto him, feeling a bulge in his pants, while still looking at Silas. I didn't know why but it was making him pissed and I enjoyed watching it. I feel Adams hands make their way to my ass as he squeezes softly making me gasp.

I notice Silas drag Ellie over to him and started to kiss her, while death staring me. I broke the eye contact with him and focused on Adam. I knew this was a one time thing with Adam, I hope he knew too.

"Um tell me what your doing grinding on my brother" Grace says standing in front of us as she notices both our embarrassed serious faces. "I'm kidding, I don't care" She says as we break off an awkward laugh and I get off Adam pulling my dress down.

"It's getting pretty late" I tell Grace as I start to notice Scarlett talking to Jeremiah behind us. "She must really like him huh" I ask Grace. "I mean, yeah she does. Hopefully he isn't anything like Silas" Grace mentions.

"Praying to the lord for her" I say sarcastically. Scarlett kisses him on the cheek and starts to make her way over to Grace and I, With the happiest look on her face, that I've ever seen. "Oh my god! He's perfect" Scarlett squeals. "You two look so cute together" i tell her, Grace nodding.

"We should get going it's nearly 2am" Grace says checking her phone. "Yeah okay" Scarlett says. Grace kisses Jackson a goodbye kiss real quick, Jackson was talking to Adam. She starts to laugh noticing Adams reaction. "Don't be too late, mom will kill you" Grace tells her older brother before the three of us start to head to the door. Leaving the party.

Scarlett and I were both sleeping over at Grace's, I've already informed my mom a couple hours ago and she was okay with it. I drive us over back to Grace's house and approximately within minutes we had arrived. She opened the door with a key under the plant on her front porch before all 3 of us enter her house.

She gives us both a extra pair of pyjamas, we all brush our teeth and wash our faces before heading to sleep. Drifting away in our dreams as our minds takes over, relaxing. Waiting for the next day to dawn.

Hii hope you enjoyed! Next chapter soon! I love you all <3

Mary <3
Stay Beautiful babies x

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