Birthday Planning

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It is a beautiful peaceful day in the Kingdom of Welshire. Like in other stories-the birds are singing, the sun is shining, village people chatting and The royal family, minus Leona are in the throne room, planning a party

Leona was outside playing with her pet tiger, Felicie, while her family is in the throne room having a meeting

"What kind of theme would her party be?" Hugo asked

"She likes stars, how about Starry Night just like the theme if her tea party" Axel answered

"But this party will be bigger with more decors that once night comes, it will be magical" Garrick finished

"But don't make it fancy cause she won't like it" Samira chimed in

Sebastian entered the throne room, "Your majesties, I have already brought the decorations" he told them

"Excellent!" Samira beamed

"Also, you have a visitor" Sebastian added as he stepped beside and they all saw Grimtrix smiling

"Uncle Grim!" Hugo and Axel smiled as they both hugged their uncle

"It's nice to see you too boys, I have already greeted your sister a while ago so you don't have to remind me" Grimtrix smiled

Garrick chuckled as he stood up and hugged his brother, "What brings you here lil bro?" he asked

"Well, I am here to celebrate my niece's birthday of course" Grimtrix replied, "And I'll be helping with the decorations" he added

Samira smiled, "Thank you for visiting Grimtrix and we are also glad you can help us decorate the garden" she said

Grimtrix smiled, "Anything for my niece's special day!" he beamed, "Also who will keep her distracted?" he asked

"Me and Axel will" Hugo answered

"Yep! We'll be taking our sister to the Mystic Isles with Sofia" Axel added

"Splendid!" Grimtrix beamed

Suddenly, Leona entered the room which surprised everyone

"Can someone explain why Uncle Sebby said that I am not allowed in the garden? Also why is everyone so jumpy today?" Leona asked with her arms crossed

Everyone looked at each other trying to find an excuse

"Well, the garden will be renovated and that's why we are not allowed in the garden" Axel lied

"Also it's for a very special occasion" Hugo chimed in

Leona raised an eyebrow, "What's the special occasion?" she asked her family

"It's a secret" Axel smiled while Leona just pouted

Samira giggled, "How about you get ready and pack some stuff because you and your brothers will be going out on an adventure with Sofia" she told her daughter who tilted her head in curiosity

"Adventure? Where?" she asked her mother

"To the Mystic Isles!" Hugo beamed

"The Mystic Isles? is that the place where all magic comes from?" Leona asked and everyone nodded

"That is correct my beautiful niece, you get to see different creatures and meet the protectors there" Grimtrix smiled

"And also, you might make a new frind when you're there" Garrick added

Leona's eyes shined and nodded, "I'll get ready, can I take Felicie with me?" she said

"Of course you can" Hugo answered

Leona nodded and she ran to her room with Felicie behind her. The royal family all sighed in relief and Hugo turned to Axel

"What kind of excuse is that big bro?" Hugo giggled

"What? It's not a lie though, the garden will be decorated for the few hours" Axel pouted and crossed his arms which made everyone giggle

"Well then, you boys get ready because your coach will be taking you three to Enchancia in a few minutes" Samira reminded her sons who quickly ran to their shared room to get ready

Garrick turned to Samira and Grimtrix

"Honey, you can list down the food that we'll be having for the party and the cake should only be a few layers" Garrick said

Samira smiled, "Yes dear" Samira saluted and went to their room to list off the food

"What can I do?" Grimtrix asked

"Like you said a while ago, We'll help our fellow staff decorate the garden" Garrick answered as he and Grimtrix both made their way to the garden.

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