Chapter 2: Warm Welcoming

Start from the beginning

"It's a welcoming from the Ares cabin," Clarisse said before she tried dragging me elsewhere keyword here is she tried after using a lot of force to pull me in her direction without it working she let go and pulled out her sword "I challenge you to a duel."

"What's in it for me? I don't want to beat a daughter of Ares for nothing " I said planning on irritating her and then walking away,

" The winner is in control of the loser for a month," Clarisse her anger not being hidden in the slightest.

"So I get a slave? 3 months or no deal" I couldn't stop myself from sneering.

"Deal" Immediately she agreed she attacked first aiming to slash at my arms I could easily tell she wasn't trying to kill or maim me but she wanted me to be in pain 'I've fought with beasts who only wanted to kill me fighting a horny daughter of Ares should be no problem at all.' I flipped over her as she changed her posture and followed me with her sword, Quickly creating an ice dagger I blocked the strike as the force threw me back into the air.

While I was still falling she jumped and slashed at my arms even though I blocked it her strength threw me to the ground "Wow there's a lot of strength hidden in that small body of yours isn't there? But I'm stronger" I turned my dagger into a sword 'This battle shouldn't last long it's becoming annoying to constantly add energy into my ice constructs to prevent them from breaking, she has a weakness though she can't use all her strength and risk harming me, I can remove my swords sharpness at will' I jumped toward her both our swords meeting as she was Instantly brought to her knees as she was beyond shocked that an unclaimed was stronger than her.

Trying her best to stand up made me feel sad for her,' I wouldn't want to break my slave's bones now, would I?'
"Do you give up?" I asked already getting bored of her trying her best to win.

"Never!" She yelled at me I jumped back as she used on hand to pull out her dagger trying to cut my arms.

I noticed how a lot of campers gathered at the scene 'if destroying her with pure strength won't work then' I noticed how she started to fight better as time progressed but beating her wasn't the objective anymore although it looked like I was being pushed back the more with fought I was slowly moving to the place I felt large bodies of water.

Finally reaching it I could see the sea, no matter how I look at it she already lost, Annabeth seemed to have realized my plan as she started wide-eyed before her look of shock turned to one of excitement as if she was about to see the extent of my power if only she knew.

"Okay stop!" I yelled standing directly in front of the ocean my feet in the water, Clarisse and the rest of the Ares cabin all had similar expressions of glee with their eyes showing barely restrained bloodlust.

"What are you giving up?" Clarissa teased her brothers and her sister laughed.

My eyes suddenly turned dark green something that happens when I get angry or when I am about to you a significant portion of my power "No I didn't want you to be out of breath before I did this, I can't have my slave dying now can I?" I summoned an earthquake that threw her off balance then controlled the water behind me to cover her completely with barely enough space to move then I froze it.

Seeing the shock on everyone's faces after destroying their expectation is a sight that never gets old.

'Father, I believe this would be the perfect time to claim me don't you think?' I sent a prayer to my father next thing I knew a glowing green trident made out of water appeared on my head all the camper bowed down and chorused "All hail the Son of Poseidon, God of seas, storms, Earthquakes and horses"

Ignoring them and turning to my beautiful Ice sculpture "Do you yield?" I asked Clarisse as she was visibly shaking due to the cold but she nodded regardless the Ice turned to warm water but it wasn't enough to stop Clarisse from shaking due to the cold.

"Is there a way to solidify this, from the way this all started I doubt you're one to keep your words?" I said not to trust the fact that she'd listen to me just because of a bet.

"She could swear on the river of Styx" Annabeth suggested with an innocent face 'I like her more already '

"I Clarisse La Rue swear to do whatever Percy demands for 3 months on the River of Styx" As she said it I could hear thunder rubbing in the background

"Now that wasn't so hard, was it? I love this kind of welcoming, unlike the cold appearance, I love all kinds of warm welcoming" Staring her and how her figure was brought out due to how wet the was.

"Hm you know Clarisse despite your attitude you're pretty cute" staring down at her holding her cheeks so I could see her flushed face properly "blushing is a thing normal females do, but you look cute doing it" once again her face turned a shade of red.

'Maybe this camp could be fun, just don't become loyal to anyone and I'm safe' I thought, It sounded so easy.

Who would have thought it was going to be harder than expected?

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