Chapter 3: "Parva Trinus"

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The "Twisted" little child went on a trip to the capital to attend an event held by the Royal Family for the 2nd prince's 10th birthday, this was his 3rd time this year attending the event as the successor, his father and mother was accompanying him to it but he requested to be in another carriage instead of his father so he can "spend more alone time with mom" was Cale's reasoning, the parent's was of course touched by this actions and allowed him to be alone with his butler Ron in their own carriage. The real reason was because Cale cannot stand his parents at all, they disgust him and their loving nature. His mother's obliviousness and his father's coward nature.

He was in his tent minding his business, laying in bed. He can hear the mutterings of the knights and servants outside his tent. Then he hears sobbing, crying, suffering....despair coming from an old male voice. It was quite taunting, because he too wants to hear it, he wanna see the suffering and despair of the owner of the voice, it was somewhat similar to that creepy dark voice from the man eating tree. He walked out of his tent, sneaking into the tree lines without the servants nor knights noticing him, especially Ron, he's annoyingly sharp and silent, Cale didn't like this fact but it might be useful for the future, his son too.

The deeper he walked into the tree lines the more he can hear the voice, the incoherent sobbing can now be deciphered, it was self loathing, regret, and more sobbing. It was taunting him, it was making his blood boil in annoyance, he wants to see the SUFFERING AND THE DESPAIR. Where is it? Where is it? Where is it? Where is it? Where is it? Where is it? Where is it? Where is it? Where is it? WHERE IS HE!? This thoughts was making his head go crazy in annoyance.

He sees a small opening in a cave. it was small, but since he's a child he can get in just fine, he'll just get really dirty. How annoying. The voice led him here, seeing how far it was from the base, it must be an ancient power because no wailing would reach that far, and even if it can, it will surely alert everyone. He carefully got in, ihis clothes got dirty to his annoyance. He sees a raging wind like a whirlpool, it was defending what seems to be a rock tower, he frowned in annoyance as he activated his shield.

"This has to be somewhat worth it" Cale grumbled to himself as he slowly approached the whirlpool like raging wind, it was ripping his sleeve slightly. The closer he got the stronger it went, it was slightly pushing him back, more and more, thanks to the shield he somewhat passed through. When he passed through the middle, he can hear the voice say something about this ancient power being a curse, and how the ancient power he already have is familiar, then the voice went back to drowning in regret, self loathing...DESPAIR. It annoyed Cale greatly, he really wanna shut the ancient power up, but he had to finish the job, he placed the last rock on top before taking a deep breathe in and kicking the tower of rocks.

A ball of pure light emerged and made it's way into his chest, he checked his chest, the shield tattoo was merged with the new ancient's symbol was a heart. He walked over to the entrance as the raging winds died down. As he walked out of the hole he was in he began to traverse back into the camp, as he walked through the thick woodlands only to trip on a root and scrape his knee and elbow on a rock, he thought nothing of it and he sat up only to notice the wounds slowly closing up as if it never existed.

It made him smile, then laugh to himself, his head was reeling of ways on how he can utilize this, till he notice blood dripping off his mouth but he was fine, this made him life even he can play the 'weak sickly heir role'. This made him laugh once again, yes, yes, yes...they'll be fooled...they'll be manipulated...they'll be his little...PUPPETS...

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