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Chapter fifteen The Cat and the Safety NetEdward's POV:It's been four days since Juno left my apartment

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Chapter fifteen
The Cat and the Safety Net
Edward's POV:
It's been four days since Juno left my apartment. I'd leave her during the day to go to work and she was calling out of work. She'd been so freaked out about the mugging. I didn't know how many times she'd experienced that. It had happened to me quite a few times. Today was the same as the last four days. "I'm going to work, sunshine." I said. Juno looked up at me and said "Edward, don't go. I need to tell my dad. I just need to talk to him about it. I know it's too late for the police to do anything. But, could you come with me?" I bit my lip as I thought about it. The desperate look in her eyes was enough to make me tell her I'd go with her. "Get dressed and we can go, ok?" I told her. Juno nodded and changed into some clothing she had here. And it wasn't her usual outfits she'd wear. She pulled on a pair of sweatpants with one of my sweatshirts. I felt horrible for what happened the other night. She blamed herself and that's what killed me the most. "Come on, sunshine." Juno grabbed her phone and her purse. I pulled my windbreaker on that I somehow neglected to wear the other night. It was a gloomy rainy morning. Juno had only had a pair of heels so she currently sat in my front seat with a pair of socks. I had pulled up to the front of the building and she rushed into the car. As we made the drive to her house, she stared out the window. She traced the droplets of rain that fell off the car and onto the street. As we arrived at her house, I made sure to park close enough so I could carry Juno inside without her getting wet. I quickly rushed out of the car, scooped her up into my arms and the two of us now stood on the doorstep. "Eddie, you're all wet." She said. I shrugged and said "I'm ok. I promise." The door opened and Velma stood there. "Juno? Honey, what's wrong?" I set her down gently and Juno pulled me into the house. "I wanted to talk to you and dad about something. I just need dad to know about this." Velma looked at me and then looked at Juno. "You're not pregnant are you?" I felt my cheeks heating up and Velma gasped. "You are!" "Mom, no I'm not! You're making Edward blush. Quit it. We got mugged the other night. I need to tell you guys about it." Juno said. Velma nodded and said "ok. Well, now I'm a bit bummed. I thought you had made me a grandmother." "N-Not yet, Mrs. Gordon." I stuttered. Velma patted my cheek and said "and if you guys do have kids, they'll have the cutest cheeks ever. And please call me Velma, Edward." Juno looked at her mother and then at me. "Leave him alone, mom. Where's dad?" Velma motioned for us to follow her and Juno looked up at me as we walked. "You do have the cutest chubby cheeks." "D-Do I?" I said. Juno nodded and squished my cheeks and I giggled softly. We walked into a sunroom and James Gordon sat there, reading a book. "Dad.." Juno said. James looked up and said "Juno. Honey. It's been a while since I've heard from you." "I know. Edward and I have been spending a lot of time together. And work has also been keeping us very busy. Something happened to us and I'd like to tell you about it. It'll make me feel better. I just need to tell you, dad." James nodded as Juno and I sat on a couch. Velma tugged at my windbreaker and said "I can take this for you." I shrugged and unzipped it. Velma took it and hung it on the rack. The rain pattered softly on the glass. My eyes went up to the ceiling, watching the rain stream down the windows. "We were mugged." Juno started. James' eyes widened and he said "what?! When?" "Four days ago. I haven't been back to work since. Edward has gone to work and has been leaving me at his apartment. I've been such a burden for him because I've been too scared to leave the apartment." Juno looked down at her lap, small tears filling her eyes. I had no idea she felt this way. "Juno...you're not a burden. You could never be. I-I just want you safe. I'm so sorry about the other night. I should've done more." I told her. Juno shook her head at me and said "no. No. You did everything right. And he hurt you. You were stabbed." "Stabbed?!" James exclaimed. I looked at James and said "yes sir. He started with Juno and finished with me. He took her cash while holding a knife to her throat. I was able to get his attention off of her but he was mad that I didn't have much money. I barely had any cash that night. I didn't get paid until yesterday. He sliced my arm and then Juno jumped on his back and he threw her to the ground. He went to stab her. I shielded her, taking the stab." James sighed deeply and said "where were you stabbed?" "My shoulder. Juno's been taking care of it. I'm more sore now than anything." Juno scooted closer to me, taking my hand in her's. "Eddie, I'm so sorry." I cupped her cheek with my hand she wasn't holding. "It's not your fault. This city is awful, Juno. It chews you up and spits you back out. It's not kind to anyone. You're the sweetest thing in this city. I won't let it hurt you. Ever." Juno held my hand to her cheek and I felt Velma and James' eyes on me. I quickly looked at them and then looked back at Juno. "Sorry." I said softly. James shook his head. "No, you're fine. You take such good care of her. Juno is my world. If something happened to her I wouldn't..." Velma rubbed her husband's shoulder and said "you're so good to her, Edward. I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting Juno to bring you home. I wasn't expecting the two of you to get serious so quickly. And I shouldn't of made Juno reveal it to everyone." "It's ok." I quickly said. Velma shook her head at me. "No, Edward. It wasn't ok. I should've let you and Juno announce it when you were ready. At first I wanted Juno to date someone who had Harry's look. Rich and important. But, you're perfect for her. She needed someone like you. She needs you. I know my daughter and she's had shit luck with guys. And you just care about her so much. Thank you. For protecting her." I felt gratitude as Velma spoke those words. "Mrs. Gordon-" I began but was interrupted. "Velma. I told you to call me Velma." I nodded curtly. "Right. Velma, I'll always protect Juno. No matter what." James said "why don't you guys stay here for a couple of days?" "O-Oh. Uh, that's such a nice offer but I have to work." I replied with a frown. Juno nodded in agreement and said "I need to go back to work. I think I will tomorrow." James stood up and hugged his daughter. I watched how he held her, knowing she meant everything to him. Like me. We both wanted nothing but the best for Juno. We wanted her to be safe. James Gordon was the first cop I ever had something in common with. And who wasn't corrupt and who was an overall good person. "At least stay here for the day. The two of you could go upstairs and take a nap. Just relax." James said. Juno nodded as she pulled away. "Do you remember what he looked like?" Juno looked at me and then back at her father. "She hasn't been sleeping. Uh, she sees him at night and stuff." I said as I stood up. Juno buried her face into my chest and said "I'm sorry, Eddie." I rubbed her back and said "I'll get you through this. It's just some bad dreams. Just like you helped me, I'll help you." The slow clingy night sex was something I was beginning to love. The way I'd rock my hips into her and she'd moan my name softly. I'd hold onto her so tight, not wanting to let go. Juno's hands on my lower back, pushing on me as I thrusted. Last night she slept the rest of the night after. I had also been reading to her before bed and making her tea. I just wanted her comfortable. She had gotten up extra early with me today since she wanted to see me leave for work. I had to shower so when I got up, she did. "Do you wanna go nap?" I asked. Juno nodded. "Go ahead. You can tell me what he looked like later." Juno and I went upstairs and she guided me to her old room. She closed the door behind us and I slowly took off my button up shirt. Juno patted the spot next to her. I shuffled off my shoes and took off the khakis I wore. I stood in my boxers and a t-shirt. Juno pulled off the sweatpants she wore and I laid my head on her chest. I hummed contentedly and Juno stroked my head. "I'm sorry I kept you from work." Juno said softly. I looked up at her and said "no, sunshine. Don't do that. I need to make sure you're ok. I have to protect you." I sat up, Juno's hand still in my hair. "Juno, I..." She looked at me expectantly, awaiting for me to speak. God, how I wanted to say it. Three words. I love you. It wasn't that hard. I'd never spoken them to anyone before. I had never loved anyone. I was struggling to find the courage to say those three words. I looked down and tried my best to swallow my fear. I didn't want her to reject the feelings I had for her. Was it too soon? Would Juno catch on that I didn't want anyone else but her? How would she react to me being The Riddler? "I love you, Edward." I gasped softly at her voice, looking back up at her. "Y-You love me?" I asked in disbelief. Juno nodded. I shook my head. A million thoughts were running through my head. "Me? You love me? Me?!" "Yeah, of course, Edward. I hope it's not too fast." "No! Not at all! I'm shocked. Uh, nobody's ever said that to me before. It means so much to me that you feel that way." I quickly stood up and then knelt down by the side of the bed. Juno furrowed her eyebrows and I looked up at her. "I love you too, Juno. With everything. I want to protect you from all the horrible things in this city. I know the other night was hard. I wish I could erase the memory from your head. But, I was with you. I protected you from him. If you let me, I'll protect you from everything. I-I love you." I smiled meekly at her, my thoughts starting to tell me my speech was too much. "Edward, you're the sweetest man I've ever known. You care so much for me. It honestly blows my mind. I've never received the kindness and the stability in a relationship before. Edward Nashton, I love you." I grabbed her hands, holding them in mine. She leaned down to kiss my lips and then my nose. I climbed back up into the bed, laying my head back on Juno's chest. I felt her fingers run through my hair as she stroked my head. I wrapped my arms around her waist and Juno said "I'm not sure where either of us would be without each other." I nodded against her chest and said "I agree." "You're my safety net." She whispered. I nudged my nose against her cheek, Juno kissing my forehead. "You're mine too, angel. Mine too."

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