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Chapter fourteen Crimes of GothamJuno's POV:I had met with Lena's father to discuss what could be done about more security for the orphanage

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Chapter fourteen
Crimes of Gotham
Juno's POV:
I had met with Lena's father to discuss what could be done about more security for the orphanage. He had turned down my idea for putting a few policemen there, to protect the children. The orphanage never really had any trouble but I wanted everyone to be safe. I trudged through the door to Edward's apartment. "Hi, angel!" He said, in his work attire. He furrowed his eyebrows and I sighed. "What happened? I thought you'd be gone longer." "The meeting didn't go well. I should've known. I need to go to my apartment. I'll be back in a few hours." I went to leave and Edward grabbed my arm. "Hey, what happened? Tell me." I looked up at him and then explained what happened. I watched Edward's green eyes fill with anger as he learned of the mayor's new decision. "Juno, he's scum. It doesn't matter what he says or does. He will always be scum." "Edward, he's the mayor. And Lena's dad. Don't talk that way." I said, putting a hand on his chest. "Angel, the people in this city are horrible. They lie and steal and cheat their way through everything. Nobody is good. Not even the mayor." I patted his chest and said "I don't care for him either, Eddie. But he is Lena's dad. You'll never have to be around him again. We'll skip every dinner party he's at. He just denied my idea. I'll get over it." "Was he rude about it?" "A little. I mean he could've been a bit nicer. He said it was a stupid idea. And that the kids in the orphanage don't need any protection because they're orphans. And they don't matter." I looked down as I said that, hating that Edward had to hear those words. "He's an asshole. It's people like him who won't change the city. If we actually had someone in power who was kindhearted and cared about people, the city could change. It'll never change with him on top." Edward said. He pushed his glasses up his nose and then sighed. "Eddie, you get so angry about this stuff. All he said was no. He didn't really do anything to hurt me. He's a jerk." I cupped his cheek and Edward nodded. "Uhm, so you're going to your apartment?" He changed the subject. I nodded and said "yeah. I need to get some things for work. And I think I'll shower and stuff." Edward smacked his lips and said "ok. Do you want me to come over? After work? Or did you want to come back here?" I shrugged and said "doesn't matter, I guess. I haven't been home in a while." "I can come to yours." Edward's arms went around my waist as he pulled me close to him. I smoothed out a few wrinkles in his shirt. "Ok. I'm not going into work today. I'm going to take care of my bills at the apartment and stuff. Just come by after work." Edward nodded and I watched a small frown appear on his face. I kissed his cheek and then gave him a hug. Edward relished in it, squeezing me. "I'm really sorry about your meeting." He said softly. I pulled away from him and said "it's ok. I have you and you make me happy. I'll be fine." Edward smiled and he looked more presentable than he usually would for work. "Why the tie? You never wear a tie." "My boss is moving people around in the office today. I'm hoping he'll give me a better office or put me on a better floor. And if I get moved up, the attire is a bit different. Plus I'm kind of trying this out. I don't really know how to tie a tie which is why I never wear them. And bow ties, forget it." Edward rambled. I half smiled and said "well, I really hope everything goes well at work for you today. And I can help you with the ties. I started tying my dad's when I was little. My mom taught me and it was one of my favorite things to do before my dad left for work." "That's cute." Edward said. I nodded in agreement and went to grab my purse, the two of us heading to the front door. "What do love and math have in common?" Edward asked. I looked up at him and said "oh, Eddie not a riddle." "Come on. You can do it." He cooed. I bit my lip as I tried to think. I shook my head with a shrug, trying to signal to Edward that I never got his riddles right. "Add wine and a bed, minus the clothes, divide the legs, and hope and pray that you don't multiply." Edward wiggled his eyebrows at me. I gasped playfully and said "Edward Nashton!" I hit his chest and a chuckle came from him. "I liked that one. Did you like it?" "I can't believe you just said that. Oh my gosh." Giggles left my lips and I stood on my tiptoes to kiss his nose. The two of us went down to our cars, going our separate ways.

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