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Chapter twoResearchEdward's POV:I ducked out of the party early

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Chapter two
Edward's POV:
I ducked out of the party early. It was honestly the worst job I had ever worked. Seeing the rich people of Gotham socialize while people like me struggled to stay afloat made me sick. I sat down at my desk, opening up my laptop. I immediately searched up Juno. I pushed my glasses up my nose and my eyes widened when I saw she worked at the orphanage. I saw pictures of her with her mother when she was younger. Her mother was a singer in the clubs. Velma Gordon. I should've known. She stood next to her mom, holding her hand as her mom smiled to the crowd. I read articles about her father. Lieutenant James Gordon. I immediately started reading about him. He wasn't corrupt. I sighed in relief. I was relieved I wouldn't have to kill her father or her mother. Neither of them were corrupt. James Gordon was an honest cop who fought for the people of Gotham as much as he could. His partner, the commissioner, was a different story. He was definitely on my list. I giggled and said "you'll get what's coming to you, commissioner. And it'll be soon." I clicked off the commissioner and went back to Juno. I went to her social media accounts. Her Twitter was bare, lots of memes and such. Her Instagram really piqued my interest. Lots of school stuff and accomplishments of her mother. Then there was the orphanage. A particular child there was all over her Instagram page. A girl named Dawn. Who looked sweet. Pictures of the two of them together or Dawn by herself. Then I found her research paper on Jack Napier. The Joker. She had been praised by her teacher and her school. She had finished up her last year of college. There were some pictures of Juno herself but nothing super revealing. Just cute pictures. My stomach churned when I saw her boyfriend. Harry Bingham. I looked over his Instagram page. Alot of the pictures were of Juno and him. Or just of Juno alone. There was the occasional picture of him with male friends, drops scattered in the back. "Drophead." I mumbled. My mind flashed back to the days when I'd buy drops to numb the pain of being in the orphanage. I had done it for a couple of years. I started when I was about twelve or thirteen and stopped when I reached fifteen. I knew I had needed to be sober so I could get out of there. I shook my head, the memory disappearing as I went back to Harry. I hacked into police records to see if he had been arrested for anything. He had. He had beaten up his last girlfriend and was arrested for dealing drops. I added him to my list of kills I'd commit as the Riddler. I quickly printed out any information I could get my hands on about Harry. I needed to save Juno. I needed to save her from him. Or she'd suffer the same fate as his last girlfriend. I also read he had drugged his last girlfriend multiple times. I wouldn't let that happen to Juno. I forbid it. I went back to Juno as I could feel the anger bubbling up inside my body. She had a degree in psychology. I wondered if I should go to the orphanage and do some volunteer work but quickly decided against it. I wanted to do it right. I didn't want to have to stalk Juno. I wanted to be able to find out everything about her because she told me. Not because I did a deep dive in the internet and figured it all out. I wanted her to tell me her interests and such.

You have to do this the right way, Edward. You have to talk to her. Quit being scared and just get to know her. I told myself.

Glory and Gore | Edward Nashton (The Riddler)Where stories live. Discover now