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Chapter threeBoyfriend TroublesJuno's POV:"YOU GOT DINER GUY'S NUMBER?!" Dawn practically yelled

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Chapter three
Boyfriend Troubles
Juno's POV:
"YOU GOT DINER GUY'S NUMBER?!" Dawn practically yelled. I nodded and she gasped. "I can't believe you! When?!" "Last night. Harry and I fought." I replied. Dawn groaned and said "you're still dating that asshole? You need to get with diner guy." "His name is Edward." "Edward!" I giggled at her and Dawn giggled along with me. "Juno and Edward. I like it." She smiled really big and I said "yeah it kinda sounds good doesn't it?" Dawn went to answer when my phone went off. I looked at it and then said "shit." "What?" "It's Edward." "WHAT'D HE SAY?!" I looked at my phone and felt a warm feeling in my chest. "He wants to go for coffee. At the diner tonight." Dawn squealed and said "you have to go!" "Should I?" "Yes!" I immediately texted him back and told him that I could go. I covered my face and said "oh god." "After the date, tell me everything!" "I will." Dawn stayed with me in my office as I did my work for the day. I then got a text from my mother. I looked down at my phone and my heart sank. "Oh no." "What?" Dawn said as she put down her comic book. "My mom. She wants me to sing at her club tonight. Now I have to cancel with Edward. Oh, I'm sure he'll be mad at me." I shook my head and sighed. "Invite him!" "What?" "Invite Edward to the club! Invite him to the show!" "Should I?" I messed with my sweater sleeve and Dawn nodded. "Yes! Then after you guys could still go for coffee." "I'll text him and ask." "I wish I could see it. I wish I could see you sing. Even though you don't like to do what your mom says, I wish I could still see it." I frowned at her. "One day you will. I'm gonna petition to start taking you kids out more. Or maybe I can convince them to give you field trips." Dawn smiled really big at me and I quickly texted Edward, telling him that I couldn't go to the diner and that I had a show instead.

Would you want to come to the show? It's totally fine if you don't. I just thought maybe we could go and get coffee after the show

I awaited for Edward to reply. I clicked my pen nervously as I saw the three dots appear. "He's texting back." I said to Dawn. "Uh huh." She said as she read her comic book. Then his text appeared on my screen.

Yeah. Sure. I'll come to the show. And it's no problem. Just send me the address

"Dawn, he's coming to the show. Oh god." I covered my face and I heard her giggles. I quickly sent Edward the address and then shut off my phone. "I have to actually get some work done today."


"So, you'll be singing whatever you'd like. But, I want you to choose something where your voice will be projected. I want everyone to know how good of a singer you are." Mom said. I nodded at her and listened. "And here's your dress." I looked at the red sparkling dress which had a decent amount of cleavage and a slit up the leg. Lena gasped and said "it's so pretty." "I agree." Robyn said. I nodded and said "I like it. Just nervous to sing is all." "You'll do great. You're the daughter of Velma Gordon." Mom said as she kissed my head. "Will Harry be here?" Lena asked. I sighed and said "I hope not. But I invited someone and I hope he comes." "Oooh, a new someone?" "Yes. He's cute. Well, to me he is anyway." I said as I felt my cheeks heating up. I took the dress and went to go change. Robyn did my makeup and I was unbelievably nervous. "Is Harry out there?" I asked. Robyn said "I didn't see him. Come with me." The two of us walked to the curtain and we peeked, making sure nobody could see us. "Is your secret guy here?" My eyes scanned the crowd and I nodded, pointing to the front row. Robyn chuckled and said "he has funny glasses." "I think they're cool." I said. Robyn shook her head at me and the two of us went backstage. Lena smiled at me and said "this is gonna be good." "You think so?" She nodded and her and Robyn left to go sit. "Are you ready?" My mom asked. I nodded and she went out on stage to introduce me. My hands were shaking and I was unbelievably nervous. I walked out on stage and made eye contact with Edward who stared up at me in shock. I gave him a small wave and he waved back shyly. I started to sing. It was a Beach Boys song. I zoned everything and everyone out of the room as if it was just myself. I loved to sing but not in front of people. I didn't get bit by the show business bug like my mother did. Once I was finished the crowd applauded loudly. I thanked them and bowed. My mother quickly took the stage after that, singing some jazz music. I got off the stage and went to grab a drink. "Ahhh, you were amazing!" Lena gushed. "Honestly, you should become a singer like your mom." Robyn added. I shook my head and said "no way!" Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned around to see Edward. "Edward, hi." I said happily. He put his hands in his pockets and said "hi. Uhm, you were really great up there. You're an amazing singer." I looked down as I felt a blush coming on. "Thank you." Robyn pushed past me and said "so, mystery man, what's your name?" "Robyn, Lena, this is Edward." I introduced him and could tell he was slightly shy. "Hello, Edward. I'm Lena Mitchell." "You're the mayors daughter." He stated. "Yes." She held out a gloved hand to him. Lena always wore gloves. Edward shook her hand slowly and then pulled away. "I'm Robyn Allen." "Jace Allen's your dad? The environmentalist?" Edward asked. "Uh huh. I know it seems like my dad doesn't do much but he is trying. He's trying to make Gotham better." "That's all we need is people who try. It won't get done overnight. But, the fact that he tries, that's enough for me." Edward half smiled at Robyn who smiled back. "Let me change and then we can go grab some coffee and pie. Wait here for me?" Edward nodded and I went backstage to the dressing rooms, Robyn following me. "Ok, please tell me you're not trying to make a move on Edward." "Robyn, he's sweet. I'm just testing the waters. Plus, I need to get away from Harry." "I know Harry's been an ass lately but this guy? He's nerdy." "So?" "I just don't find him attractive, bestie. But you do you." I rolled my eyes at her and changed back into my jeans t-shirt and jacket. "If my mom asks, just tell her I went home." Robyn nodded and said "will do." I met up with Edward and he offered to drive to the diner. I got in his car and he immediately apologized. "What're you apologizing for?" I said. "My car. It's a piece of shit." He mumbled. "I don't care about that. It doesn't bother me at all." Edward nodded and started up the car, driving to the diner. Once we got there we sat in a booth and ordered our usuals. "I was kind of scared to ask you to go for coffee." Edward said as he didn't look at me. I furrowed my eyebrows and said "why?" "I didn't want to be too forward. And I didn't think you'd want to be seen with someone like me." He opened a packet of sugar and dumped it on the plate next to his coffee cup. He then started on another one. "You're nice company to have, Edward. Even though we've hung out once, I genuinely enjoy hanging out with you." Edward's cheeks turned pink and he said "r-really?" He looked up at me, his glasses hanging at the bottom of his nose. He quickly pushed them up and I nodded. "Yes. You're so nice to me." "Is that so weird?" "I'm not used to it. My boyfriend's an asshole." "Well, if it makes you feel any better, no girl has ever been nice to me like you. In fact, they all completely avoid me. I'm not a creep." I chuckled softly and said "never said you were and didn't think you were. I think you're quiet and reserved. You keep to yourself." "Exactly. That's all." Edward said softly. Our pies were set down on the table and the two us started on our pies. Edward told me riddles that I couldn't guess the answers to but made me laugh. I told him about my day at work and how I wish I could do more for the orphans. He then told me that the fact they even have someone like me working there is enough for them. Once we were finished Edward drove me home. "Thank you. This was fun." Edward nodded and said "yeah. It was." "Well, I'll see you soon, I guess." "O-Ok." "Goodbye, Edward." "Goodbye." I got out of his car and went up to my apartment. I was shocked to see Harry inside. I was regretting giving him a key. "Babe, where've your been?" He kissed my lips and then my neck. I pushed him off me and said "I was at my mom's club. She made me sing tonight. Then I went out for coffee with a friend." "You had a show? And you didn't invite me?" Harry seemed genuinely hurt. I furrowed my eyebrows and said "I didn't think you'd care." "Me? I'm your boyfriend. Of course I care." He cupped my cheek and I kissed his lips. "I'm sorry. I should've invited you." He shrugged and I walked away from him, setting my things down. "What friend did you have coffee with?" "My friend Edward." "Edward? Who's Edward?" He said in a stern tone. I looked over my shoulder at him, thinking about how exactly I should answer this. "Edward's someone I met at the diner. We went for coffee and pie after my show. It was my treat." That last part was a lie. "Who. Is. He?" "Harry, I don't want to argue right now. There's nothing going on between him and I. I promise." Which was somewhat true. I liked the attention Edward was giving me but I wasn't deliberately trying to date him behind Harry's back. I wanted to properly break up with him before pursing anything romantic with Edward. And I honestly wasn't trying to be romantic with Edward at the moment. I just liked his friendship. "Juno, you're going to tell me everything about this guy. Right now." Harry took a step towards me and I noticed how his eyes were glazed and his hands were balled up at his fists. "God, you're high. You're always high!" Harry chuckled and continued to walk towards me. I backed into the kitchen, ready to grab a knife if needed. "Tell me who he is." "No." "Juno.." I backed into the counter and I watched as he raised his hand. I immediately flinched and said "don't! Please don't hit me!" I fell onto the ground, covering my face. "Juno, I'd never hit you..." I looked up at him and his hand was slowly coming down. "I don't know what I was thinking." "You were gonna hit me. Why else would you raise your hand?" Harry shook his head and backed away from me, falling back. He scrambled to his feet and rushed out of the apartment. I slowly stood up and rushed to the door, locking it. I looked down on the ground and noticed the bag of drops on the floor. I picked it up and stared at it. "Drops." I whispered. I opened the contents of the bag and dumped it on a small plate. It was just a bottle of eye drops. That's all drops were. Eye drops. I grabbed the brightly colored bag and threw it and the bottle in the garbage can. I shuddered just thinking about people dropping that stuff into their eyes. I decided in that moment that I'd need to get the locks changed. I didn't want Harry showing up announced anymore. Especially with drugs. I'd be talking to my father about it this week and making the plans to make sure I was safe. I couldn't help Harry anymore. It seemed like he was getting worse and worse.

Here's the update!! Another long one! Hope y'all are liking this so far!!

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