She's a little pumpkin

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"Marcy? Are you okay?" You asked the crying girl.

"No! Ms. Rosa gave me a 60% on the math test! And I was sure I got everything right!" Marcy says.

"Do you want me and Sasha to fight her?" You ask. Sasha starts putting her hair up.

You and Anne were walking down the hall, she needed to get something from her locker.

"Hey Boonchuy, how about you give me some of your lunch money?" They say.

"Uhm, no thanks." She says.

They grab her arm. "I think you misheard me, I want your lunch money." They repeat.

"And I want you to leave us alone." You said.


"You want her lunch money, but I want you to leave us alone." You said.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I like it when people talk to me like that." They said, pushed you.

"Mhm, yes, and I don't think I like it when my friends are treated like shit by dumbasses like you." You said, they punched you in the nose. It starts bleeding.

"Thats a great look on you." They said and walked off.

"Y/n! Are you okay?" Anne asks, in a panic.

"Yeah... are you okay?" You ask.

"Why are you so calm about this! Your nose is bleeding!" Anne says, grabbing your hand to drag you to the nurses office.

The next day. The person waited for you to come to school. They knew you walked in from the back, so they waited. When you got there, they walked up to you.

"Fight me."

"Excuse me?" You asked, with as much spite as a person could have.

"I want you to fight me right now."

"Fine." You said.

You both started taking off your jackets and backpacks. Then they slapped you.

You started kicking them, and you pushed them to the ground. You punched them in the nose, and got up.

"Now we're even. So leave me and goddamn friends alone." You said, and kicked their leg.

You were all dirty now, your hair was ruffled up, there was a slap mark on your face, with bruises all over your arms and legs. You didn't care though. You wanted to find the 3 girls.

You found them sitting on a bench on the play area outside.

"Hey guys!" You called out for them.

"Y/n! Why are you covered in bruises!" Sasha asks.

"It's fine. Dont worry about it. I want food though!" You say.

When you had to go to class, the bully wanted to go mess with Anne Marcy and Sasha after school.

You walked in a different direction than them, so you didn't know until you had to turn around to ask them for your water bottle, since your bag couldn't fit it when you added a few study books.

You walked out to see them getting pushed around by the person.

You walked up to them, and pushed the person to the ground. You slapped them.

"I told you to fucking leave me and my friends alone you bitch!" You said, with anger.

"Well I don't listen to nobody!" They slapped you.

"Listen to me you little prick, I will kill you if you don't leave us alone. I will hurt you so bad. You think your scary? I don't give a shit. Nobody around me thinks your scary, we all think your just a big loser who can't do their own homework, nor get tutoring lessons so they have to fight somebody and stuff them into a locker to get it. So I want you tomorrow, to shut the fuck up, and pay everyone how much lunch money they gave you." You said, leaning down into their ear, while ontop of them.

"I don't listen to little nerds like you!" They said.
You hit them again, and started taking off your shoe. "OKAY! OKAY! I-I'll pay everyone back! And I'll never do anything ever again."

After that you walked up to the girls.

"Are you guys okay?" You asked with worry.

"That was a change of tone." Sasha said.

"Y/n your the one whose covered in bruises, lets have a sleepover so we can help Y/n's arms and legs heal up." Marcy said, taking your arm.

"Okay..." You said.

Thank you so much for reading this! This was so much fun to write!

Words: 727

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