Ratatouille (Marcy x Reader)

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pls don't come at me for using google translate for the french parts😭 I'm trying to learn french but Istg I don't know much. So if something doesn't seem right it's google translates fault😰😰

You took french classes. You took them with Sasha. You and her would shit talk in french during cheer and everyone else would be so confused. Sasha's accent wasn't always so clear.
But yours? Yours was gorgeous. It sounded like French was your first language. And you were smooth with it. So it was gooodd you were top of the class.

"Avez-vous vu Adrien ? Ses boucles d'oreilles sont mignonnes!" You said.
Did you see Adriana? Her earrings are cute!

"Ouais! Elle les a achetés à partir d'un sujet brûlant" Sasha replied.
Yeah! She bought them from hot topic

Anne and Marcy were so confused.

"What are you guys talking about?"
"Nothing." Sasha said.
"Elle parle de combien tu es jolie aujourd'hui" You say.
She's talking about how pretty you are today.
"PUTAIN" Sasha says.
"We still don't know." Marcy says.

Walking with Sasha to class.
"I will kill you if you say that but in english."
"Je dirai à Marcy qu'elle te plaît !"
I'll tell Marcy you like her!
"Tu n'oses pas..."
Don't you dare...

"Can you guys sing that one ratatouille song?" Anne asks.
"What the hell? What kind of question is that? Of course we can." You say.
"No, we can't our vocals in french havent reached the octave level as high as god." Sasha says.
"Literally!" You say.

"Quand vas-tu dire à Marcy ce que tu ressens ?"
When are you gonna tell Marcy about how you feel?
"Quand est-ce que tu vas le dire à Anne ? Jamais? Exactement."
When are you gonna tell Anne? Never? Exactly.
"Je l'ai déjà fait hier."
I already did yesterday.
"WHAT?" You say.
"Yeah. It's your turn." She says.
"Im screaming right now."

"Hey, Marcy." You call out for her, after her chess practice and your cheer.
"Hey-yy Y/n" Marcy, looks you up and down.
The practice uniforms were the cheer tops with the undershorts. The shorts were kinda tiny, and showed a lil booty, based on your fabric choice. You chose the wrong one bestie.
"Sorry, I can right after practice. I wanted to talk to you about something." You said, you sat on top of a table.
"What is it?" She asks.
"Uhh... Uhm.. It's something I wanted to tell yoi for a while." You say.
"I like you! And I wanted to know if you wanted to go out sometime, and it's okay if not." You say.
"Oh! Uhh that is not what I thought was coming up. Sure!" She said.
You leaned in slowly to kiss her, and she closed the gap with the blink of an eye.
"Byee! I'm free Saturday." She says.
"Me too!" You say.

This is too short for my liking. Lets add some shorta to make up for literally never writing Marcy oneshots.

"Y/n is sooo pretty todayy." Marcy says to Anne.
"She looks like that everyday!" Anne says.

"Bruh je déteste Johnny. Il a dit que Sammy était une salope parce qu'elle portait une jupe de l'année dernière. Et ce fut court. Comme, quelle bite." You say to Sasha.
Bruh I hate Johnny. He said Sammy was a slut because she wore a skirt from last year. And it was short. Like, what a dick.
"Her accent in french is soo pretty too!"Marcy says.
"Y/n is right here. And she was shit talking Johnny!"Sasha says.
"She makes everything sound pretty."
"Haha!" You giggle.

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