She liked rock, and she did ballet

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You woke up at 5:30 to go on a run. You went to the gym to do leg workouts for an hour. Went on another run, and went to your dance class at 7:30.

"Good morning Ms. Gardear." You said, and started stretching.
In the middle of stretching, loud music started playing from the left wall.
"Ugh, that studio!" Ms. Garder said. "Whoever rented that studio knew what they were doing!"
"What do you mean?" You said.
"That studio was rented by people who don't know how to play quietly." You instructor says.
"I could talk to them." You say, and walk out.

You walk to the studio next door and knock.
Sasha opens the door. Anne and Marcy were there too.

"Guys, your the ones who rented this place?" You asked.
"Yeah, why?" Sasha asked.
"I'm in the studio next door, and my dance instructor needs you guys to play quieter."
"Oh, uh sorry." She says.
You walk back to your studio.
After another 20 of practice. Ms Garder stops you.
"Practice is going to be cut short for today, good work." Ms. Garder says, and leaves.
"Okay..." You say, and walk to the girls studio. "Hey guys, my classes were cute short, so I was wondering if I could stay here until my mom gets here."
"Sure!" They say at the same time.

When your mom arrived you left them to practice and went home. 

"I got you new ballet shoes." Your mom says, and hands you the box.

When you got home, you went to your garage, and started hitting that shit onto everything. You stepped on it, dropped weights on it, cracked it. When you thought they were done, you tried them on, and they were perfect.

Later that day, you were listening to music, and dancing along to it. When you heard a knock on your window.

"What..." You said, looking at Sasha who is outside. You open it for her, and she climbs in.

"Heyyy..." She says.

"Why were you knocking on my window?" You ask.

"I wanted to hang out with you." She says.

"You could have knocked on the front door?"


"Ugh god, your so weird." You say, not knowing what to do anymore.

"Why'd you stop?"

"Stop what?"

"Dancing, don't stop cause I'm here." She says.

"Uhh, okay?" You say, and stand up, and start dancing to the music. You were graceful. Sasha thought so too. You made ballet look so easy and delicate.

"How do you go on your toes like that. Does it hurt?" She asks.


She gets up, and tries to do it too.

"How do you do that?"

You roll back up on your toes, "this?"


"It's easy once you've done it for a long time." You say.


After that, you and Sasha spent an hour rolling onto your toes. Which ended with the both of you cuddling. 

"My feet hurt."

"I told you your feet would hurt if you don't know what your doing."

"But I wanted to look graceful:(" Sasha says.

"Wow." You said, kissed her cheek, and went to sleep.


"Me and my girlfriend, we don't fight, she bash my head in with a ballet slipper and I walk it off like a man." Sasha says, like she's boasting.

"Guys I for real just realized that Sasha and Y/n are polar opposites. Sasha likes rock, and Y/n does ballet." Anne says.

"Wow Anne your such a scientist." Sasha says, holding her girlfriend of 2 year's hand.

(In amphibia)

You were dancing in the field near the cabin Sasha and Grime had been hiding out in. Your back hit someone.

"You scared me." You said, turning around.

"Sorry. You were just really graceful." She says, twirling you.

"Your silly." You say, and twirl away.

Wow. This was kinda bad.

Words: 587

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