They had been abused.

He didnt know for certain but he was willing to bet his company on it.

Skye soon relaxed and simply clung to him crying, not wanting the comfort to end.

"Are you hurt" Lorenzo asked once Skye had calmed down.

Skye shook her head. The fall hadn't been bad, besides she had fallen alot harder before and the carpet in her room had cushioned her fall.

"Are you sure because if you are I need to know" he asked again trying not to fuss.

She nodded that she was sure.

"Okay, do you want to talk about the nightmare" he asked.

She shook her head.

"If you change your mind we can talk whenever you want" he told her not wanting to push her.

She nodded in acceptance.

"Will you talk?" he asked.

"Sorry sir I didn't mean to stop I'm sorry sir" she quickly said not wanting to annoy him.

"No it's okay if you don't want to talk, and remember it's Lorenzo not sir" he said.

"Sorry" she whispered feeling bad.

"It's okay. Would you like to go back to sleep" he asked.

She shook her head fast.

"Would you like to come with me then. I need to organise some paperwork for meetings today but then we can go get some breakfast "

"I don't want to annoy you" she whispered.

"Nonsense you could never annoy me. Let's go shall we"

On their walk up to his office, Skye found herself reaching for his hand, she hesitated and was terrified he would change his mind and hit her but instead he held her hand.

He knew she didn't want to talk about the nightmare so he didn't mention it but he couldn't help but think about his theory on the triplets being abused. Even when he was organising his paperwork his mind was on the triplets.

What had happened to them?

He remembered every little detail about them, he was 13 when they were born and 17 when they were taken away.

Suprisingly Skye was never his favourite. Sure he was close to her and they bonded alot. But out of the three of them he preferred Alex.
Despite the three of them being inseparable, Lorenzo had liked having a mini me, and that's exactly what Alex had been.

The boy would follow him around once he learnt to walk, he wanted to do everything Lorenzo did.

A few months before they had been taken, Alex had wanted to go with Lorenzo and Lorenzo happily agreed. He obviously drove slow at first but when he does up slightly still keeping within a safe speed. Alex had chanted faster over and over. Eventually Lorenzo sped up quite a bit but he made sure he wasn't reckless about it.

Now though, Alex annoyed him to some extent, he wasn't the cute toddler who followed him around wanting to be like him. He was cold, untrusting and fiercely overprotective. He still reminded Lorenzo of himself,  Alex was very similar and maybe that's why he got annoyed on occasion.

Despite his annoying personality, Lorenzo knew his brother was different.

The same was for James,  James was the high achiever of the three of them,  he learnt to walk and talk and everything in between first. Now though he saw James had little confidence, even when he did speak he was always so hesitant. He had been expecting James to get the highest mark on the test but he didn't. One thing that he didnt mention was the feedback only James had, apparently he had lots of crossing out and scribbled out anwsers which couldnt be marked but some were right. He didn't want to upset James by telling him this however he knew he would need to talk to him about his confidence..

And Skye, she was completely different she was no longer the bubbly energetic little girl who would beg him to take her and Leo up to see the stars. She was terrified and fragile.

"Come on let's go get breakfast" he said not wanting to spiral more.

Skye took his hand again when they were walking down.

"Can you please not tell Alex or James about the nightmare" Skye whispered as they walked.

"Of course not, would you like totslk about it" he replied.

" sir" she wasn't used to saying no and it terrified her.

"That's okay. What would you like for breakfast. Pancakes? Toast? Cereal? Fruit? Anything you want" he said as they arrived at the kitchen.

"Please can I have some fruit" she asked.

Lorenzo nodded and began making her a mini fruit salad with many different types of fruit.

Just then Marco came in , unfortunately Lorenzo had his back turned and was chopping fruit.

"Too lazy to make your own breakfast now" he said glaring at her.

Lorenzo calmly put the knife down, he didn't want to risk stabbing Marco.

"Apologize to her now or so help me" he warned.

Marco rolled his eyes "why should I" he asked.

" when I tell you to do something, you do it. I will not have you making those stupid snide comments to her or even the boys.  Now. Apologize."

Marco gulped at the tone he had used.

"Fine. Sorry" he muttered not wanting to anger Lorenzo.

"It's okay" Skye whispered not wanting to create a problem for herself when Lorenzo was no longer about.

"It isn't okay Skye, if he speaks to you like that again I want you to tell me" Lorenzo said, his tone switched completely and was now gentle.

Skye nodded knowing she couldn't, she didn't dare tell him.

But his reaction did tell her something, maybe Lorenzo wouldn't be on Marco's side.

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