Carrick came up to me and said, "So, how is Anastasia doing in your company son?"

I say, "Dad she is a huge asset. Roz thinks she is a golden net for us. Her financial statements and projections are so detailed and damn near making choosing acquisitions less risky than ever before. She breaks down details better than a spreadsheet. Her financial risk assessments on the six companies we were looking at when she started and the two this week are so thorough and detailed, better than Rappaport was at this job. After firing three Directors out of nine, she has gotten control over her people now in such a short time. She hasn't even been there two out of three weeks.i am worried about her over use of her right hand on the computer typing. It gets worn out by double time typing."

Dad says, "You are in love with her aren't you, son? Your mom says she overheard you once." Can't hide it when mom tells him everything, it's enviable.

I say, "I want to marry her, dad. It's just too soon right now. I know she's the one and only." He squeezed my shoulder with tears in his eyes. 

Dad with emotion said, "You're going to be alright, Christian. You not only have beauty, intelligence, willingness and caring to help you, but she shares your interests in business. That's rare and amazing in itself." I realize he is right and she makes me stronger. She's my soulmate.

I walk over and hand Anastasia her lemonade and kiss her lips. She's been talking baseball all this time to Elliot.

Elliot says, "I met this new girl at a club a few days ago. She's coming to the barbecue today. She said she would be late, but she will be here anytime now."

Anastasia hands me her glass and says, "I'll be back in a minute. I need to go to the ladies room." She smiled and walked away into the house.

Ana Pov

I head to the bathroom and pee as I'm washing my hands, I hear a faint but familiar sounding voice. I open the door a crack and hear Kate Fucking Kavanaugh. Christian is going to have a shit fit after everything we suspect and know about her and her dad. I just lock the door of the bathroom and see if introductions start the fireworks. About ten minutes later I heard raised voices.

Christian Pov

I'm talking to Elliot, he's telling me what Anastasia said about the American and National leagues in baseball. My mother leads a blonde girl out on the patio and points to Elliot. The girl walks over like she owns the place. That's a bit arrogant, and I immediately don't like her.

Elliot holds his hand out for her to take and says, "Hi , Katie girl. This is my brother Christian." 

She gushes, "Oh ,it's so nice to finally meet you Christian. You're so very handsome. I hear you're very successful in business." Elliot looks at her funny.

I say, "Yes, I am. I'll just go and find my girlfriend." 

I go to walk away and she grabs my arm and she says, "Oh you don't need her, you have me here now." I look at her like she's lost her goddamn mind and my brother looks a little hurt. 

I pry her fingers holding my arm and say, "I'm sorry but my girlfriend is much better company. Who are you anyway?"

She smiled smugly and said, "I'm a much better choice than that low class bumpkin you've been seeing. I'm Kate Kavanaugh and I'm from a much higher class family than her."

I just went into shock and then thermonuclear, in 4.5 seconds. I screamed at her shocking the hell out of her, "GET, THE, FUCK, OUT!!!" My family stops everything and their mouths drop open. "After everything you did to Anastasia, concerning Jose, and Jack Hyde?!! After what you got your father to do last week in his paper?!! You have got the nerve to show your face anywhere near me and my family!! You whoring, low class, conniving slut. GET THE FUCK OFF OUR PROPERTY AND NEVER COME BACK!!!!" Kate just stands there with her mouth dropped open. Anastasia walks on to the patio at that moment. 

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