Ana Pov

Christian sat back down. He was so aggravated and boiling pissed. I reached my hand across the table and took his fist and wrapped my hand around it until he would relax it and said, "What a bitch. You did good though. I'm proud of how you handled things. Don't worry, seriously, if she gives you any trouble I'll just spring a surprise audit on her business for the past however many years she's been with you. I'll then shut down all locations, that is, until they have been evaluated and audited completely." His hand opened up and I started rubbing lightly on his pulse point. He started heartily laughing. We started eating our entrees.

Christian said, "Before hurricane Elena,I was going to ask you what you meant by it would be your first relationship?" He cut into his filet mignon.

I cut into my sea bass and said, "I had a military strict father and I was in constant information cramming mode. I never took the time with boys because my education was more essential to me and my father. I was lost when Ray died a couple years ago. I have no family left worth mentioning and just lost my two so-called friends a month ago. Nobody ever interested me, well until I ran literally into you." I blushed. He just kept looking at me. He turned over my hand in his, and was rubbing lightly in circles on my knuckles. I didn't realize we were still holding hands until that moment.

He looked down and said, "I haven't had a girlfriend, like dating and so forth. I won't explain why here, but if you let me take you to my penthouse, I will tell you why tomorrow night if you have dinner with me again there." This must be either bad or complicated not to be discussed in public.

I said, "Ok, we can wait for your explanation at a later time. Would you like to try my sea bass?" He smiled and nodded and he let go of my hand. I took a nice bite on my fork and fed it to him. He moaned. It was so sexy even when he swallowed it. Wet panty alert.

He licked his lips and said, "They have very good chefs here. Let me give you a bite. The filet mignon is cooked perfectly." He held out a bite for me and it was extremely tasty. I moaned in return. Yummy. He had his mouth half open and licked his bottom lip during my bite. His eyes became so dark. I think it's what arousal and desire looks like on his face. I've never seen it as dark like this though. He stared at me. He swallowed hard, because his Adam's apple moved. 

He said quietly, "I promise, I won't touch you without your permission. Anything is off the table until you know all I have to tell you before." We finished eating and he put his hand out for me to take and we walked out of the restaurant to the elevator. The ride down the elevator was as tense as it was going up. It felt good to hit the fresh air outside and inhale a couple times. The car was pulled up by the valet. He gave me his hand and helped me into the passenger side. 

We drove through town and he pulled up to The Olivian and walked me to the front door. We stepped inside the vestibule and he asked if he could give me a kiss goodbye. My panties needed serious changing from this evening after being around this man. I said, "Yes, of course you may." I almost swooned in the lobby from the passionate mouth that man possesses. He grinned in a sly way and said, "See you tomorrow, beautiful. Sweet dreams." He reluctantly let me go slowly squeezing my hand until my fingertips he let go. He winked and turned to leave and get in his car. He drove away.

I turned and went up to my apartment and stripped. As I showered, I thought about how overwhelming and sexy Christian Grey was with his long strong fingers. I thought of  how they felt touching me while his lips consumed mine. I wondered, while getting my chores done and laying out my clothes for the morning, how his unusual gray eyes reflect different shades depending on what his emotional state is. What does a walking enigma of a sex god want with a Marine brat like me? I may never figure this out. I exhaled while laying in bed and shut the light off. I was looking at the city lights outside of my bedroom window until sleep finally came.

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