The fight that ensued was a bad one. I punched her in the mouth when she started laughing about him drugging me. She threatened to break everything I own and smashed my crystal vase. I pulled her by her hair to the ground bending her thumb backwards and told her if she broke my shit, I would cut up all her fucking clothes and rip the heels of every goddamn shoe she owned. I called her a fucking whoring bitch and that I don't need a cunt like her in my life.

I called and paid movers to bring boxes, tape, packing materials, and come pack me up to move me out in the morning. I paid premium rates for next day services. I told them it was an emergency.

I locked myself in the bedroom to get away from Kate. She was throwing a hissy bitch fit for hours by screaming, throwing shit and then beating on my door threatening me again with eviction. I was tempted to go beat her ass down again, but what good would it really do me. After a while, when she finally shut up, I called The Olivian to see if they had immediate availability of a one or two room apartment. Luckily, they just got a two bedroom apartment vacancy. I asked if I could have them hold it for me, so I could move in tomorrow. I said that I would do all the paperwork, credit checks, pay the deposit and two months in advance, if he would. He said that would be fine and took my information. Cool, all set. I packed up the room the best I could, took a shower, got dressed for bed, ate a granola bar with a glass of water for dinner. I was not going out there to cook. The next morning, I packed up everything on a truck and left, leaving the key on the kitchen counter.

What Kate or Jose did not know was that I was not some poor little waif. I had an inheritance from my step grandmother Adele and my stepfather Ray. When grandma died six years ago, I got 1.2 million dollar inheritance, which paid for my college and needs. When daddy died two years ago in a car accident, his insurance helped pay off the final expenses on the house mortgage, property taxes and his truck, which I have all in Montesano. The house is a fortress and self-sufficient with green technology and state-of-the-art technology. It's a true smart house. I ended up with a grand total of 3.3 million dollars altogether after all was said and done. It was probably more than Kate's trust fund. I don't live beyond my means, but I do have quality things. I never let her into my room to see my minimal amount of designer clothes and shoes mixed with Target and JCPenney items. I never told anyone about how much money I have whether in the bank or my jewelry in the safe in my room. I locked up all my things of value while living with Kate because of the parade of characters passing through the apartment via Kate's bedroom. I knew to have my stuff and room locked at all times. I kept my Krav Maga lessons up to date. I paid my half of the expenses and worked through college part time at Greenwood Hardware and answered no questions on my finances. Of course, Kate always played the poor little rich girl card every time trying to tell me how tough her life was being born into a rich family. I just let it go in one ear and out the other. I wasn't going to move in with her after college when we moved to Seattle, but she begged me, because I cook. She couldn't cook to save her life. Too bad, she just lost her live-in chef. I took all the food, kitchen wares and appliances with me that I paid for also. Well no more home cooked meals for her anymore or dealing with her attitude and bullshit.

A week later, I traded in my 2005 Honda Civic for a white cream pearl 2011 Audi R8 Spyder 5.2 V10 FSI with beige leather interior. I didn't have to pretend to be lower middle class anymore.


I went to the hospital and got X-rays while they cleaned and wrapped my arm. The doctor said I had deep bone bruising and to use cold on and off throughout the day, rest my upper arm, elevate if possible to help the healing process. He said I was to take it easy and use ibuprofen for swelling and pain. He wanted me in a sling, but I would just be careful. The hospital sent all the documentation to Officer John Parks email at the SPD headquarters.

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