Meredith Grey x Reader

Start from the beginning

"I know and I will Derek, I promise. But only if you promise not to watch anything intimate the two of us do and no letting Mark watch either." I tell him with a chuckle which makes him laugh before he goes on to tell me how things have been in this weird inbetween place.

*Months later*

Blinking awake I feel the tube in my throat and hear people whispering around me. Trying to dislodge the tube I start to reach up to remove it myself only to have my hand caugh as Bailey comes into my sights and removes it for me. Coughing slightly once it's removed I sip at the water that Bailey offers me after she tilts my bed so that I'm sitting up and I give her a weak smile before clearing my throat.

"You gave us a hell of a scare there Grey, you've got to stop doing that to us." She says and I chuckle slightly. "How are you feeling?"

"Fine, my body feels like I landed on a hard floor and then lay on a bed for months but other than that I'm fine." I tell her and she shakes her head at me with a laugh. "How are my kids?"

"They're okay, missing you like crazy obviously but they've been so good about everything. Zola's practically moved y/n in though, I swear she's either here or at your house with those kids. Amelia was moaning that Bailey wouldn't let her read him a bedtime story because y/n does better voices and then proceeded to fall asleep with a pout on his face because she wouldn't read him a third story." She says and I relax at the knowledge that my kids were in good hands with y/n and that they really did seem to love her just like Derek had said. It makes what I'm about to do so much easier. "You know that girl has been going out of her mind with worry for you and the kids, if you two don't get together soon I think we all moght lose our minds!"

"I plan on fixing that Bailey, I just need to talk to her without being in a god damn hospital bed." I tell her and she grins at me. "How long do I need to stay in this bed until I can go home to my kids?" And y/n? I add mentally but she smirks at me, knowing exactly what I was thinking.

"Once you've recovered a bit of strength and show absolutely no signs of the damn disease we can release you into capable hands." She tells me and I glare at her tiredly. God I've been asleep for months, why am I so tired now? "Right Grey, try and get some more sleep and we can talk later. I'll even try and arrange for y/n to facetime with the kids and actually stay on the call with you." She adds and I nod as I allow myself to relax back in the bed again before falling asleep.


Laughing as Jackson helps me avoid the big clap out by wheeling me out the back entrance to his car I slowly climb in and settle myself while he wheels the stuoid wheelchair back into the hospital, why was it policy that patients have to be wheeled out again? 

"Right, are you ready to go suprise the kids?" He asks as he climbs into the car and I nod with a smile.

"More than you will ever know Avery." I tell him with a chuckle and he smiles at me as we pull away from the hospital. "You best be safe in Boston and keep in touch."

"I will Mer, you're not getting rid of me that easily you know." He says and I chuckle at him. "So, are you going to finally make a move on y/n? Because I'm tired of watching the pair of you pine after each other, both scared to make the first move."

"That's the plan Jackson." I tell him with a smile as we near the house. "If April gives you a second chance, please for the love of god don't mess it up. You two are perfect for each other so please don't fuck it all up."

"Trust me I won't." He says and I smile at him as he parks in front of the house. Turning to him I  smile at him and squeeze his hand before he moves to help me into the house. Walking me up the stairs he leaves me just outside the front door and I jug him before letting him make his way back to the car with one last wave before he's out of sight. Turning to the door I push it open and see Zola and Bailey watching a movie while y/n rocks a fussy Ellis on her hip and I can't help but grin at her when she takes note of me when she looks up. Making her way over to me as I close the door behind me she offers me her hand to guide me into the living room and I happily take it even if I don't need the help.

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