- One -

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I quickly rushed outta Madam Oceane once the bell rang, almost bumping into Mild by accident. I grabbed his hand and dragged him towards the bathroom, making sure no one was around before locking the door.

"What's with the rush and these all?" Mild asked, clearly annoyed from being dragged around.

"I did something really bad!"

"What? I'm sure it wasn't that bad" Mild said, chuckling lightly making me glare up at him.

"Or was it?"

I told him about what happened earlier this day, about how awkward I was until that dumb blurt out that come outta the blue. Mild laughed his ass off by the end of the story, gripping the sink tightly to support himself.

"Really, Gulf? I got one? oh my god, that's so funny. You're as single as a pringle and you said you're taken."

"No need to tell me, Asshole! I know it was dumb. But all they talked about was their relationship and if I say I have no boyfriend, they would probably kick my ass and I'll be a loner for the rest of my senior year." I said, pouting unconsciously after I said so.

"Why do you feel the need to hang out with them anyway? I mean, if they couldn't handle you being single then they're not worth it."

"I have no other friends aside from them and you, Mild. All of my classes at least have one of them and I have to continue about the lie. They keep asking about the name, I just said I'm not gonna tell because he doesn't really like being a show-off. Hell, I don't even know who the fuck is he,"

"No, I mean, why don't you hang with another group?"

"They were all too busy in their own world, none of them even notice my existent when I walked into the room."

"So you hang with them instead?"

"... I got no other choice?" I state but in question-like type.


"I know, I know, stop reminding me!" I punched Mild's arms a couple of times before I sulk again.

"What are you gonna do then?"

"About what?"

"This whole none-existent boyfriend of yours," Mild said in a 'duh' tone.

"Honestly? I don't know. That's why I said I did something really bad, Mild. I'm getting myself into something so fucking weird and complicated."

"If you're trying to ask me to be your boyfriend, the answer is NO."

"No, eww, I wouldn't ask you to do that, it's like incest. But uh..."

"... What?"

"A tiny help would be tremendously appreciated," I mumbled timidly.

"Cut the big words, what are you trying to say?" Mild said, his eyes suddenly piercing my soul. I fiddled with my fingers nervously, contemplating what I'm about to say before slowly looking up at him with a dumb but hopeful smile,

"Call me or message me or something, random spam is fine, I just... I don't want to lie that much and if you do that I might or might not have an excuse to free myself from them though only for a couple of minutes or something so I don't have to lie... more,"

"For how long?"

"I... don't know. Until I could find a great excuse for our breakup I guess, or maybe until I actually find a boyfriend. I don't know, I just... at least until this Xmas?"

"Gimme one great as fuck reason as to why I should do this,"

"I'm your bestie, practically your brother actually and you love me to death," I said, giving him my best puppy eyes with a big-ass grin. He groaned at me, pushing my face with his large hand before agreeing.

"Fuck, fine, I'll do it. But if they knew or get suspicious because you won't give them a name or something, that's not my fault, I'm out."

"That's fair enough."

"Alright, let's head to the cafeteria, I'm starving," Mild said. When was he not anyway?

Mild hurriedly unlocked the door and dragged me with him towards the cafeteria. We went straight to the stands, buying our lunch that looked edible enough in my opinion. We walked towards the empty table at the corner, but the guys called my name and wave their hands. Mild told me to go on, but I dragged him with me.

"Hey, guys"

"Is he the boyfriend?" Leonee straight away asked.

"What? No, he's my best friend."

"Oh, what's your name?" Ashley asked this time.

"It's Mild."

"Mild, d'ya mind telling us who's Gulf boyfriend is?" Leonee, I swear to god, you gotta stop 😭

"Eh? I promise him to not tell, so... yes, I do mind."

"Sassy, I like this guy," Kellin said but Mild shook his head.

"Sorry, but no, my friends are waiting, I should head there,"

"You're leaving me?" I asked him, widening my eyes a bit to give the illusion of puppy eyes.

"I'll see you after school."

"Alright then..." I said, pouting again but he just shook his head at me.

"Don't lie too much," Mild whispered before he gave me the hug and leave me with the guys.

This is gonna be a hell of lunch.

Get ready for a twist after twist
This is just the beginning, people
I haven't unfold anything just yet xx

For the Sake of Love ✔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant