No Woman Beyond (Honeymoon Edition)

Start from the beginning


The animalistic gaze from when you spoon fed him in the contest returned. Warmth and excitement surged through you, erasing how frigid you felt moments ago. You stood astounded at how quick Link could flip his character. A thrill shot through you then. Even though he was Link, your best friend; he was also the freaking Hero of Time. You watched with surreptitious longing as he returned from each temple, more masculine than the last. The journey he undertook truly had evolved him into a man. There was a dirty little secret you held close to your chest. You hadn't actually wanted Link to teach you how to shoot. You simply wanted to feel his body next to yours. You wanted to feel the body you dreamt of lying next to each night. The body that made you squirm in your sheets with desire. Now you were about to bare yourself in the rawest way possible for him to devour. 

"Undress." Link's voice was sharper than the blade he held at you. 

The impish side of you came out. You ignored the throbbing that began in between your legs. "And if I don't?"

"Who's holding the sword here?" 

You glanced downward, letting your eyes settle on the now clearly visible erection beneath his tunic. Then it all became clear. You knew exactly what Link's angle was and goddesses did you enjoy it. You continued to let your eyes linger upon his powerful hard on. Despite his confident demeanor, Link couldn't fool you as his cheeks began to redden. You decided to play along. 

"I suppose you do." 

You took the bunched fabric you held up over your breasts, gracefully letting it slide down. The fabric lay loosely, a divine halo emphasizing your hips. Link sucked his breath in, not completely sure you weren't a mirage. "So much better in person." Link whispered.

The response caught you off guard. "What is that supposed to mean?" 

The error of Link's words caught up to him. "I-I what I meant to say was-" Link knew he would have to tell the truth. He scratched the back of his neck in a nervous tick you recognized from his youth. "Remember when I showed you the lens of truth?" His voice seemed to dip at the word 'truth.'

"Yes..." You arched your eyebrow upward not liking where this was going. 

"I may have inadvertently... seen underneath your clothing with it." 

You stomped your foot in response. "Inadvertently? You've already seen me naked?" Link fluttered his baby blues at you, a waggish grin forming beneath them. "I needed something to think about when I was alone. You know-" 

"That's why you were awkward with me!" You realized you couldn't even blame him. You'd have done the same if the lens of truth was in your possession. "Well, it seems we'll have to get even then. Won't we Mr. Hero?" 

You let your hands fall to your breasts. You massaged their voluptuous tissue before you stopped at your nipples, letting your thumbs graze across them. They hardened in front of Link. You didn't fight against the moan that slid from your throat. You moved your hands downward to the dress that lay on your hips. "Drop your sword and I'll drop the rest of my gown." 

Link did as he was told, the stoic hero now officially buried. His eyes shamelessly roamed every curve of your body. You slid your gown down, standing in your f/c panties. The scraps of setting sun in the dungeon flirted with the now nude image of your body. You weren't sure if it was the desert air or the fact you now belonged to Link, but you felt intoxicated. 

"You look like a goddess." Link whispered as his eyes met your face in disbelief. "I've waited so long. I must have you." He took a few steps toward you only to be greeted by your hand blocking his way. You grabbed both his hands, meshing your body against his. You kissed him with unbridled vigor. Licking, sucking and teasing him until you felt his back hit the marble wall. You had him where you wanted him. You pulled away, only to yank his head back, running a trail of your saliva down his throat. His hat fell, revealing his tousled ponytail underneath. 

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