Hyrule's Sweetheart

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Link POV

Link knew he came off a bit harsh on Y/N. The goddesses only gave their toughest challenges to their strongest warriors, or so they say. Her posture was nimble yet grounded. She had her elbow straightened and slightly lithe. Judging by her stance and fierce concentration, he knew she had been practicing.

Link had every bit of faith in her.

Seeing her stance reminded him of one of his visits with Y/N in Kakariko's graveyard. He knew he could always find Y/N there if she wasn't home. He wasn't sure what it was about the graveyard she loved. However, he couldn't deny the enclosing peace he felt whenever he entered it. Link had just completed his mission inside the fire temple. Since he had to pass Kakariko anyway, he decided to visit Y/N before he made haste to the frozen tundra that was then the Zora's domain. A loud gnawing sound erupted from one of the trees in the back of the graveyard. It wasn't long before Link spotted Y/N, attempting to stab a skulltula suspended on a branch.

"Goddesses, what are you doing?" Link walked up, watching in sheer horror as she kept swinging a stick at the skulltula. Link pulled his bow and an arrow from his quiver, "allow me." As he tightened his grip around his bow, he let out a small yelp. It dropped to the ground.

Y/N stopped mid swing, dropping the stick in response to Link's wail. "Link, Hylia whatever is the matter?" She walked over to see his hands were scabbed over with burns. Not even the gauntlets could hide the nasty singes that decorated them. "Link what happened to you? Was this from the fire temple?" She gently placed her hands under his, supporting them as he kept his palms facing up. Link remembered how his heart had raced from the sudden contact of Y/N's touch. The way she made his heart melt when she ran home and returned with ointment.

"Y/N, it's fine. A fairy healed me... it's mostly better. Just some burns may take a bit longer to heal than others."

"Nonsense, you can't even hold your bow! Quit being stubborn and take your gauntlets off for me. There are special herbs in this that will moisturize the scabs and aid in their proper healing. " Link did as he was told and held his hands out, palms facing upward once more. Y/N lathered the ointment on his hands, massaging the callused parts of his palms. Link wasn't sure if he was imagining it, but through the pursed lips and downward cast gaze... he swore he could make out a faint blush. Or maybe he just wanted to believe she was blushing. Y/N glanced up and met Link's eyes. He quickly averted his gaze and released an awkward cough. "Y/N, I'm fine really. Thank you for caring about me."

"Don't thank me for something like that, silly. But if you want to pay your debt to me, there is something I'd like from you." Her voice was tinged with a hint of flirtation, transferring the blush from earlier to Link's cheeks.

Y/N picked up the bow and arrow he had dropped, giving him a suggestive glance. "I want to learn how to shoot." Before he could assert any excuse to not teach her, he realized if he taught Y/N, he'd get to inadvertently touch her. Goddesses, Link couldn't believe how pathetic he had become. It's as if seven years hadn't passed and he was still a prepubescent boy. Except he was technically and just so happened to be traipsing around with the body of a man. Thank Hylia, for Zelda did grant Link a wish. Which was for soul, body and mind to be congruent with his current age.

Now as he stood, Y/N focused intently on piercing the center of the setting sun, Link realized he wasn't sure if Zelda kept her word. Because once again, prepubescent Link was making an appearance. Surely, grown men don't have voracious appetites like this? But the years of repressed feelings and sexual tension began to peak now that Y/N was close to being his wife.

That's right. She's going to be my wife. What's wrong if I look at her body?

He consoled himself then. He allowed himself the freedom of roaming over Y/N's body with his hungry eyes.

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