The Many Admirers of the Hero

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Link POV

The archery competition was nearing its end.

Link couldn't help but give thanks to the goddesses, for he was utterly exhausted. There were still competitions remaining. It wasn't uncommon for novices to slouch, resulting in the corruption of the perfect shot. He had made rounds to every contestant, exemplifying the perfect posture of an archer. Of course, most of the contestants didn't care about their posture. They cared about feeling the force of his hands guide them on their bows.

He came to the next to last contestant, Mamamu Yan. Link recalled when she had lost her dog, Richard, amidst the bustling markets of Castletown. Link was able to locate the missing pipsqueak. This of course was years ago when Link was merely a child. Now he was of age and ripe for the plucking. Link plastered a fake smile, as charming as he could muster, onto his face. He helped straighten her bent shooting elbow that was locked in place.

"You know," she began, "I knew you were special when you found my Richard. What I didn't know was that you'd grow up to be such a man." She arched her backside into Link. He continued holding her elbow from behind. Oh goddesses, Link shuddered.

After Mamamu Yan took her shot, missing by a long shot (no pun intended), he was finally standing next to the final contestant. A Zora who claimed to be a distant cousin of Princess Ruto. She made sure to reiterate she was not interested in the contest. She was only fulfilling her duty as messenger to Princess Ruto. Link was already betrothed to Ruto, lest he forget. Link made a mental prayer of gratitude that she had business at the Water temple. The princess of water could be quite intimidating. As the arrow slipped from the Zora's fins for a third and final time, she threw down her bow, storming off. Round one had officially concluded.

Link took a mental respite from the contest, thinking of Y/N. He was overcome with the same overbearing urge to weep at her absence. Just then, Link noticed some sort of projectile in the sky. Its diminutive size made it hard to see, but there was no mistaking the burst of light that flashed before his eyes.

It was an arrow.

Not just any arrow, but a light arrow.

Who had shot it? It didn't come from anywhere even close to Castle Town. A small pang of hope had consumed him. A tiny voice from somewhere within whispered "that arrow came from the direction of Kakariko Village."

Link blinked back the tears that threatened to make an appearance. He returned to the contest; his hope slightly restored.

Edited 2/1/23


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