possible // ; jealous

588 29 42

* after 4 days *

- - -

- Taehyung's office -

" Good morning, Sir " his secretary went in and placed his paper works at his table. He's looking outside the whole city from his office.

" where's your, Ma'am? " he asking for Beth.

" she's at her office, Sir "

" okay... can you handed this to her? " as Taehyung gave an invatation to her.

" okay Sir "


" Mrs. Kim? "

" Come in " said by Beth, " is there any problem? "

" Mr. Kim wants me to handed this to you "

" what is this? an invatation? " the secretary was about to leave, " thank you " she said and Taehyung's secretary leave, " what is this for? " she asked to herself.


- parking lot -

" Taehyung-ah, what is this invatation for? "

" we'll be attending my cousin's birthday party. He is Park Jimin... "

" does he owned the K.P Company? "

" No, but it was his Parent's company.. "

" i thought you don't have any relatives? "

" did I said that? "

" Ne... "

" I didn't " he smirked, " we'll be there tomorrow since we don't have any work right? "

" but it was my free day "

" it's our free day.. we should go to his Party, i want you to introduce them as my wife.. can't I be proud to my wife? "

He's voice is just like before, a cold hearted guy but sweet inside.

" okay.. "

" so we should buy something for him "

" I don't know how to pick presents? "

" that's why I'm here.. " he laughed.

They get inside of he car and went to the Mall together. Some of the people there was looking at them.

" what to buy? "

" what does he like? " Beth asked.

" he likes... silvers "

" give him some spoons or fork... it would be better " Beth throws a joke.

" what? wow... very impressive "

" I'm just kidding... what about this one? look!!! this necklace is cool " as Beth showed the stunning silver necklace.

" i don't think so.. he'll like it, if you will buy it for me.. I will "

" It is not your birthday! Asshole! "

" you look cute together " the sales lady said to the both of them.

" thank you.. we are meant to be " said by Taehyung as Beth just smiled and hit Taehyung's shoulders.

" Nampyeon!! what about this one?! " she showed a silver bracelet with a skull on it.

「 𝙥𝙤𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙗𝙡𝙚 」kim taehyung : book 1 (EDITING)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt