x. Gone [ part 1 ]

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« She's gone, Wanda. »

that's everything Clint said when he met Wanda. Five years had passed since he saw her, the redhead came back from the blip like nothing happened; but in those five years, a lot of things did happen.
Wanda couldn't believe it was real, all those years spent loving Natasha in secret, it was all for nothing. She had lost her.

« No. I need to bring her back. »

she said getting up from the chair. She was sitting in front of Clint and he started to shake his head while putting one hand on her wrist to block her, trying to tell her there was nothing to do anymore.
As stubborn - and in love - as she was, she couldn't just sit there and pretend everything was fine, let alone thinking about letting go of Natasha like that. She had just finished telling everything to Clint; how she fell in love with Natasha, how she found balance with Vision to keep her mind off of her feelings for the other woman, how she managed to keep it a secret for years.
The love she had for that woman was something she couldn't even explain, she never had the courage to tell her something, to make a move or try to understand what the other woman thought. She had admired her from afar for years, never getting too close to get hurt. And in that moment, even tho she was ready to tell her everything, she couldn't.

« Wanda, just sit. I need to tell you something, please listen to me. »

The man in front of her was probably one of the few people Wanda trusted, he helped her from the beginning and now he was the only close friend that she had left. Clint took something from his pocket and put it on the table. It was a white envelope, Wanda's name written on the front, and he slowly slid it towards her.
She was just as confused as ever, they were talking about Natasha and he changed subject in a few seconds.

« What is that? How is that relevant when we're talking about Natasha? »

« Just open it. She gave me this on Vormir, she said I needed to give it to you and that she was ready to sacrifice herself to bring you back from the blip. I'll leave you alone. »

« What is happening? »

she thought grabbing the envelope while Clint slightly smiled at her and left the room.

« What does he mean, sacrifice herself for me? »

she noticed Nat's handwriting, not that she had seen it more than like five times, but she knew it was hers. Her heart was beating faster than usual and her hands were shaking as she was opening the envelope, careful not to ruin it.

Dear Wanda,
it's Natasha. I know it must be weird to find yourself reading something like this, but I had to. When everything began, I knew it could've happened something, I knew there was a significant probability that I'd never see you again. We tried to fix that big mess that was our society, it was torn apart, broken. Five years that led to this. In those five years, not once I closed my eyes before going to sleep without thinking about you. Your face, your voice, your heart, your eyes filled with pain but I knew there was something inside you that wanted to move on, to change your life and find your happiness in spite of what you have been through your whole life. I wanted to bring you peace, I wanted to give you something to look forward to, a little help to find you way to happiness. But then... you vanished. It happened in front of my eyes, I got there and stood in front of you incapable of doing anything... It happened like you were nothing, all of you who disappeared. And it was so unfair and infuriating, god I wish we could've done something before it was too late.
In those five years, I spent everyday of my life trying to bring you back. And by "you", I mean you, Wanda. Of course I thought about bringing back everyone else, but you... You were constantly on my mind, I cried (and I hate to admit this) and cried for days, months... I wanted Wanda Maximoff back. Well, there was only one other person I wanted back, my sister. If you're reading this I'm afraid I won't be able to tell you the story, but ask Clint and he promised me he would've done this for me. I hope she's back too, I hope she's found her way like I hope you have too. Maybe you two could help each other, I think you would like her.
Back to us... I imagine you're still confused about this, so let me explain.
I still remember the first time I saw you, how could I forget? I remember being struck by your eyes, oh god your eyes. Don't get me wrong, they're endlessly beautiful, but I saw everything through them... I knew you were afraid, in pain. I also knew you were trouble. I mean, I knew that one way or another I would've got too much invested. And it happened... I know, I know. It didn't seem like that, but only because I couldn't show anything to you or anyone near us. Day after day my feelings grew, to the point where I had to ask to not put us in the same team during any mission. That's why. That's why I avoided you, that's why I always left the room the moment you stepped in. I needed to "hate you" in order to love you. I knew it would've been impossible otherwise, I knew nothing could've ever happened between us, I kept living my life as you were living yours. And saying this, now, it's easier just because I know that - if you're reading this - I'm probably somewhere far far away or well... you get it.
I'm sorry Wanda, I really am. I'm sorry for saying all of this now, I'm sorry for letting you leave like that and not find any other way to bring you back. I'm sorry.
I've loved you since the moment I saw you wearing that red jacket in Sokovia.
I know you're probably thinking I'm a weirdo and you've never thought about me in that way, but I needed to tell you. God, I wish I could do it face to face, holding your hand, but I guess that this is where my story is about to end. And I'm cool with it, I got my sister back even if it didn't last long, I paid my debt and I loved you even if no one knew. It's okay, it's my turn to make things right.
I hope you don't hate me for this.
I hope you'll be loved the way that you deserve.
I hope you'll remember me one way or another.
I love you, Wanda Maximoff.
Goodbye little witch.

Natalia Alianovna Romanoff

Wanda stood there for more than an hour, reading every word again and again as tears fell down her cheeks. She thought she was dreaming, it couldn't be real.
It was like time has stopped, everything around Wanda didn't exist anymore. "I love you Wanda Maximoff" played in her head like a broken record while she was processing what was happening.
After what seemed like an eternity, she got up from the chair to find Clint.

« I want to bring her back. »

she said as she opened the glass door leading to one of the compound's rooms, looking directly at Clint.

« I want her back. You know I value your opinions and thoughts but I wanna try, either you help me or not. »

those words got calmly out of her mouth, yet she was confident and determined to do it.
Never in her life, Wanda had imagined herself falling for a woman - not that it was a problem - especially someone like Natasha Romanoff. And every single thing she loved about her, pushed her to try and try everyday to bring her back.

« And I think I will try and contact her sister after you tell me everything about her. »

Clint gently smiled and nodded then Wanda set in front of him and he started to tell the redhead about Nat's sister.

Two hours later Wanda sniffed and sighed, her heart more broken than before after hearing their full story. Clint gave her a phone number, saying that she would've found someone who knew Nat's feelings [for Wanda] on the other side of the phone and that someone would've helped Wanda no matter what, if it was for Natasha's sake.

« Yelena? »

To be continued...

hiii i'm back!!
i decided to start writing and publishing something again so here we are.
there's no spell check so please don't mind any errors 😭
i hope you like it, part 2/? will be online soon.
also, i was thinking of doing something like AU and/or social media but idk lol

- prvntissbby

words count: 1460

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