iv. Home

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Imagine a world where you recognize your soulmate by their scent. And when you smell that scent, you know that the other person is yours. A scent of home, of happiness. When it's time, you immediately know. It could be flowers, it could be fruit, anything, but you recognize that scent in the exact moment you smell it.

After Ultron, something changed for the Avengers, nothing was different but at the same time something changed and none of them could explain that feeling. But everyone knew.
They decided to skip some missions to recover when it wasn't necessary and Tony was already trying to create something stronger than Ultron, but definitely safer. The others were worried but they trusted him - more or less -.

Wanda was living with them after leaving Sokovia and after a few months she started to feel at home, even though she missed her brother more than anything. She started to train as an Avenger and learned to use her powers for every situation, it kept her mind busy and after just a few weeks she started to go on missions with the others.
Natasha was the one she was spending most of the time with, she taught her how to fight in case she couldn't use her powers, she stayed with her while she was improving her magic and more importantly, she was a friend. They spent a lot of time together and Wanda never expected that to happen, not that she ever complained about it, but of all people Natasha was that surprise.

That day was boring, there hadn't been a mission for days now and all of them decided to play Monopoly; the first one to lose was - obviously - Steve, he never asked the money for his properties and lost everything in a matter of minutes.

« Will you ever learn how to play this game? » Tony asked when he saw Steve getting up. « It existed since before you went deep down in the ice, you know that right? »

They all laughed and went back to play.

« Tasha, I'm winning!! » Wanda said clapping her hands, causing the redhead to laugh.

« Not really Wanda, but I appreciate the effort. » she saw Wanda's expression and chuckled, nudging her shoulder.

Oh no.

« No. » Natasha thought, but maybe too loud since Wanda turned towards her with a confused look.

« What? »

« ...Nothing. I gotta go. » she got up and went straight back to her room.

« No no no, it can't be. Please no. She probably didn't even smell it. » she tried to smell anything in her room, but nothing had the same scent. « Fuck. »

Meanwhile the Avengers stopped playing, looking at each other and trying to understand what happened.

Wanda was almost crying, she tried to hide it but she couldn't. She got up and walked out of the room.
It was unique. It appeared out of nowhere. She could still smell it.

« It can't be. »

She started pacing outside Natasha's room, thinking about everything there was between them. Was that it? Was it real?
She heard some sniffing inside the room, so she reached the handle and opened the door.

« You smelled it, didn't you? » the brunette asked and closed the door behind her.

Natasha was completely shocked. She always knew that the other person could smell it at the same time, but she started to think that maybe she was wrong and Wanda couldn't smell anything.

« What did you say? » her eyes filled up with tears.

« Are you mine, Natasha? Did you smell home? » she asked almost afraid, she couldn't even move her body. « You're my home... »

Neither one of them knew what to do. The room was filled with feelings, confusion and tension. They were soulmates, they were each other's home.

« Can I... » Wanda asked, moving a bit closer to her.

« Please. » Natasha said, not fast enough to precede Wanda throwing her body onto her.

They hugged so tight they could barely breathe.

« You smell like roses and cherries. » Wanda said, looking into her eyes.

« You smell like vanilla and orange blossom. » Natasha replied, in awe of her.

« Tasha? » the brunette tilted her head and bit her own lip.

Natasha nodded with a smile, before putting one hand on her cheek. Their lips finally connected, resulting in a sweet and loving kiss between them. It wasn't rushed, it wasn't bold. It was perfect. It was home.

« You're my home, Tasha. » the sokovian said, stroking her hair.

« You're my home Wands. » she said with one hand still on her cheek.

They kissed again. And again. And again. Neither of them couldn't believe it, but they were finally home. Together.


I know this is shorter than the others:( I hope you'll like it anyway lol
Requests (only WandaNat) are always open🤪

Words count: 771

- prvntissbby

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