Chapter Six - Argument With Shanks, Why Lilith has her Mask, and Rescue Ace

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Lilith ran through the shadow realm. Looking through each shadow. Looking for a certain red headed captain. Haru glided by her head while Sora flew a little bit above her. Rosetta and Boxer where running on all fours by her sides. She looked through a shadow. Big mom was talking to one of her children. She looked through another. Dressrosa laid on the other side. She looked through the next. Punk Hazard laid there. Again. She looked through another shadow. Kaido... Kaido was leaving Wano. The female cussed. She looked through the next shadow and almost cried out in joy and relief. It was the very person she was looking for. It was the figure of non other then the Red Force. She lunged out if the shadows. Her nails digging into the ship. The seventeen year old woman crawled up the side of the ship. And flew over it. Landing quietly.

The young female scoffed at the sight. Like always. All but Ben where on the ground. Passed out. Ben was about to greet her but she simple looked at him her eyes narrowed. Her face blank but her eyes showed that she was ready to shed blood if needed. So. Not being stupid. And wanting to live rather then have a slow and painful death. He backed off. A mad Lilith was scary. But. A pissed off Lilith. Was a whole different story. So much so that you should run or stay out of her way unless you want to die.

Lilith scanned the area. Her eyes looking for a certain captain. Once her eyes landed on his figure passed out on the floor the female walked over. And. She kicked him. Square in the nose. Waking him up and sending him flying effectively making him hit the railing of the ship. The crash resulted in everyone waking up. Before anyone could react. The female appeared in front of Shanks. Her hand shot out. Her nails digging into his neck. The younger but two times stronger female held him dangling over the ocean. Ready to drop him. As a result. The red haired males hand shot out and gripped her wrist. "What. The. Actual. Fuck. Shanks." The female took a breath before continuing. "You. Fucking. Promised. That. You. Would. Keep. Them. Safe. When. I. Couldn't." She spoke slowly ti make sure her point got across. The males of the ship froze at the familiar female voice. There ready to fight instantly died down. Replaced with fear. This woman may be young but she was strong. The female only had three weaknesses. Only two is known to the world. Shanks. Was the only person other then her who knew the third.

The first. Was of corse. Sea prison stone. The second. Was of corse. The sea water. But. Unlike any other devil fruit user. Lilith was actually turning into what her devil fruit was. Hence why she looked so sickly and delicate. It was because her mortal body was dying. Her mortal body was being replace with a immortal one. Her golden Ichor blood was proof that her transformation was almost done. The third one. Was her emotions. That was why she locked them away. That was why she had her masks. Her emotions where to much. To strong. Her emotions effected everything around her. When she had negative emotions. Everything darkened. While when they where positive everything brightened. When she was mad she could accidentally destroy islands. Or. The world. She learned this at age two. When the young female watched her mother die in front of her eyes. She had cried as she sailed away with her baby brother who was sleeping at the time. She had accidentally destroyed the island they where once one. The young girl knew that that was her fault. So. She locked her emotion up.

The female looked at Shanks. Her grip slightly loosening. That when he explained everything to her. Every. Little. Detail. The female simply turned on her heal and set Shanks down. The female was slightly shorter. His eyes barely looking over her head. So her head was slightly up to look him in the eyes. Her arms crossed. "Well. What are you planning on doing."
"To stop Kaido then to the war. We could use you help."
"No. My idiotic brother needs my help."
"Well you can't go now. You'll destroy the place."
"I can't let you do that."
"You not the boss of me. I'm a fucking pirate. I do what I want. When I want. And how I want. If I wanna steal. I'll steal. If I wanna kill. I'll kill. If I wanna save my brother. I'll Dane we'll do it."
"You'll only made things worse with the mood you in." The females hands shot out.
"Shut. The. Fuck. Up." The makes hands shot up in surrender. "I'll stay fir two days. To regain some strength. Then I'm out. Got. It." He only sighed and nodded.

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