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We took the jet back to the compound. I stared out the window the whole time, thinking about how this could have all been different. A short while later, we landed on the lawn. Thor greeted me--lucky him, he looked as if nothing was wrong aside from his hair growing a bit longer and him getting, there's no nice way to say this--fat. He still was happy and I could tell he seemed to be in denial about the whole thing. "You've changed," he told me.
"You have as well, brother. Let's not waste any time, I suppose."
I brushed past him and into the compound where we would carry out supposed time heist. They escorted me into a lab where they had me try on this ugly red and white suit. Honestly, just pick a color. They strapped the helmet on me and Banner said, "You're gonna feel a little discombobulated at first, but that's normal. We're going to send you back a few years, have you walk around for an hour, then bring you back in five seconds, alright?"
"Perfectly not confusing."
Banner pressed some buttons and then sent me into this portal. I felt myself being hurtled back into the past and then I landed in Asgard. I recognized the time period--2013. I looked up in the grandiose hallways. I heard laughter--no. It couldn't be her. I bolted and saw her. She was there, laughing with my past self. It was right after I had sent Odin to Midgard. Y/n began to look over and I quickly ducked behind a column. "What is it, dove?" Past self me asked her. "Nothing, I just thought I saw...never mind, we need to get ready for the feast tonight, love."
My timer on the suit beeped and I was taken back to the compound. I screamed as I landed on the ground. Nat came to my side and asked, "Hey, hey? You okay?" I took a deep breath and looked up. I smiled for the first time in five years. "We can do it. We can get her back." Nat smiled at the others and gave a thumbs up.
In a matter of moments we were seated in a meeting room of sorts, discussing the different Infinity Stones. Stark was there, and he was giving the lecture along with Captain Rogers. "This is the Reality Stone. Thor, what do you know?" Stark asked, pointing to my sleeping brother in the corner. "Is he sleeping?" Nat asked. "Nah, I'm pretty sure he's dead," Stark's friend, Rhodes, replied. I stifled a laugh and sent a bolt of magic to wake him.
He went on a rambling discussion about the Reality Stone, more known as the Aether. Then he started talking about Jane, his former flame. I had nearly forgotten about her. She was one of the ones who had gotten snapped. Thor was told to sit down and eventually he did, and we decided that at the right time, there were actually three stones in New York, one stone on Vormir, one stone on Morag (another planet), and the Aether on Asgard.
Captain Rogers and Stark divided us into teams. They told me that going to Asgard would not be a good idea, but I insisted on it. "It could be my last chance to see her again if this fails, and I don't think you would like that on your conscience, Stark!" I hissed. And just like that, I was going to Asgard with Thor and the raccoon.
We suited up and grabbed our wrist things (I still wasn't exactly sure what they were). We stood in a perfect circle on the time machine while the Captain gave a rousing speech. "He's pretty good at that," the raccoon said. "I know, right?" Scott Lang, the Ant-Man smiled. We all secured out helmets as Nat smirked, "See you in a minute." (Nooo!!!) And then, we were off and traveling through space and time. I was going to see her again. I was going to save her.

The God Who Fell to Earth (Loki xfemreader)Where stories live. Discover now