|| Bȳre - Whatever it takes ||

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The passing of King Rhaegar shocked the realm. They didn't think that their good and just king will die early. The king was still young and should have reigned longer.

Hundreds of torches surrounds the capital that night. The ring of the bells echoed throughout the city. Words were sent out by the Hand to all Lord Paramount and the Lords of the Vassal Houses to announce that the king is dead and Princess Rhaenyra is now the queen.

The common people of King's Landing stand in front of the Red Keep. Holding candles for the late king as they mourn his death and waiting for their new queen to come out.

The heir to the Iron Throne and now, Her Grace, The Queen Rhaenyra headed to the high walls of the keep as she wears a mourning black gown. Prince Aegon and Lord Tywin are also following her from behind.

The citizens bowed their heads upon seeing their new queen. The sadness and sorrow are still plastered in Rhaenyra's eyes but her face remains stoic.

" This news is not something I want to tell you, but as our people, you have every right to know that... His Grace, King Rhaegar Targaryen died this dusk. A high fever took him on his bed. Do not worry, he died peacefully and had said his last will to the Small Council. " Rhaenyra began her speech as she tried to hide the shaking of her voice.

" My father's passing was indeed a shock. But we will move ahead as the legacy of my family continues. " She tried to push the forming tears from her eyes when she started to hear the low cries of the people who are listening to her.

" You will see his grace by dawn. Before we sail him back to Dragonstone and place him in his resting place. Thank you for your love for my father and we all knew how much he love the Seven Kingdoms. " Rhaenyra turned around to leave the high walls and head back inside the Red Keep.

Rhaegar was being ready by the Maesters. They will have a one-night funeral in the throne room and then in the morning, they will parade his coffin on the streets of King's Landing for the people to see their king one last time. After that, the royal family and the small council will sail to Dragonstone to give Rhaegar a traditional Targaryen burying.

The whole Keep was silent, the red color have been forbidden this time while black became the color of all of them.

Lyanna is crying at the side of Rhaegar's body while their children stand behind her. She is clinging to him with pure agony in her eyes. Lyanne is holding her mother's hand as she matches her cries. Jaehaerys and Rickard are quiet but sadly staring at their father.

Rhaenyra hasn't shed any tears ever since she came out of her father's chamber. But her eyes scream how painful it was for her. Daenerys is silently tearing up on Viserys' side while Prince Aegon gently grips his sister's hand to give her small comfort.

When the morning comes, the king's coffin is already in the courtyard and will be roaming around by horses. His Targaryen crown is placed on top of it.

Rhaenyra walks closer to the coffin. She traces the side of it with threatening tears from her eyes. The queen leaned down and pressed a small kiss atop of it.

" I love you father... " She whispered to him.

Once she gave the signal to the rider, the carriage started to move. The royal family immediately follows the king as they will walk through the parade.

It is custom that the wife of the late king should be the one in front but as the heir and new queen, Rhaenyra had seized that place. Lyanna wants to protest but she can't do anything now, she doesn't have any power anymore.

Throughout the last viewing for Rhaegar. The citizens were crying and placed flowers to honor their beloved king. The sun was absent from the sky but lucky for them it did not rain.

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